On 3 Sep 2008, at 5:54 PM, Brian wrote:

I always do the minimal install over the net. I got X working in 7- stable by doing the minimal install, then the following.

pkg_add -r xorg
pkg_add -r portupgrade
portupgrade -NRP kde
pkg_add -r tightvnc.

On 3 Sep 2008, at 5:59 PM, Randy Pratt wrote:

The ports/packages are actually not part of FreeBSD but are third- party applications. I've often thought that the packages on the installation
disks should really be split to a separate project which produces
package disks.  This would lessen the burden on the Release Engineers
and perhaps the cycle time between releases.  It should also be
noted that the useful life of a package is limited and outdated very

Hey, these great comments bring up a different solution, which may be the way to go.

It is simple: have a few of the common apps that are net-centric (like firefox) be simply calls to pkg_add -r in the installer. No ports databases, no packages on the discs. A few packages may be useful (like perl) to someone without net access, but many need the net to be useful.

I often forget about pkg_add -r because I build everything from source myself, but just a prompted dialog offering a few of the most common and popular apps like:

* kde or gnome
* firefox or xxx_browser
* vnc
* openoffice

via pkg_add -r might be a very simple solution (no disk impact to speak of) and perhaps could even be determined by a look at which pkgs are installed the most from server logs (not dynamically, but just as a way of offering common pkgs).


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