On Tue, 23 Sep 2008, Mikhail Teterin wrote:

Robert Watson написав(ла):
Could you try procstat -kk on the process, does that shed any light?
When I was trying `procstat -k', I was getting the message:

PID TID COMM TDNAME KSTACK procstat: sysctl: kern.proc.kstack unavailable
  procstat: options DDB or options STACK required in kernel

That was with a single `-k'. I can't do anything now, because -- after an attempt to start `systat 1 -vm' -- the system hosed and would not start new processes. The existing ones, such as the cvs-over ssh are stuck in:

  load: 0.00 cmd: ssh 59098 [proctree] 0.41u 0.17s 0% 0k

Sounds a lot like a lock leak/deadlock. Other than DDB output or a crashdump, which would allow us to explore some more, there's probably not much to be done with the box at this point other than reset. Sorry about that.

Robert N M Watson
Computer Laboratory
University of Cambridge
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