On May 14, 2013, at 02:35, Alexander K. Beros <a...@154cm.com> wrote:
> I have just started using clang (on FreeBSD 9.1 AMD64) and encountered a
> couple problems.  I have worked around these points, but in case they
> represent something unintentional (as opposed to some error on my part while
> building from the port) I would like to mention them.  I am using
> FreeBSD clang version 3.1 (branches/release_31 156863) 20120523
> Target: x86_64-unknown-freebsd9.0
> Thread model: posix
> A key element in solving both problems was the installation of gcc47.  That
> was unexpected since I initially installed clang under the assumption that
> FBSD is moving from gcc to clang and since gcc42 doesn't support c++11.

On FreeBSD 9.1, you first need to build libc++, which provides C++11
support. (On 10.0-CURRENT, it is enabled and installed by default, but
not on previous releases.)

To build and install libc++ on 9.1, add the following lines to


Then build and install world in the usual manner.  If you prefer to only
build libc++ (and its support library, libcxxrt) manually, you can do
the following:

  cd /usr/src/lib/libcxxrt
  make obj && make depend && make
  sudo make install
  cd /usr/src/lib/libc++
  make obj && make depend && make
  sudo make install

After libc++ is installed, you still need to tell clang to use it
instead of GNU libstdc++; see below.

> 1.. 
> Symptom:
>       %>  clang++ -std=c++11 -stdlib=libstdc++ refparms.c++
>       initListTest.cpp:43:10: fatal error: 'initializer_list' file not
> found
>       #include <initializer_list>
> I had included initializer_list.

To enable libc++, you must add the flag -stdlib=libc++ instead.  If you
use -stdlib=libstdc++, or no -stdlib option, it will use the base system
version of GNU libstdc++, which is the version that comes with gcc 4.2,
and does not support C++11.

> Temporary Solution:
>       I built gcc47 from the port and then added the following to my
> .cshrc file
>       alias clang11 'clang++ -std=c++11 -I/usr/local/lib/gcc47/include/c++
> -I/usr/local/lib/gcc47/include/c++/x86_64-portbld-    freebsd9.1'
> Alternate solution, compile using g++47.

This will only work partially, since you still need to make sure to add
the proper flags during linking, so clang can find the libstdc++
libraries installed by the gcc47 port.

> 2..
> Symptom:
>       /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6: version GLIBCXX_3.4.14 required by
> /usr/home/../binaries/a.out  not found

Yes, this is a problem with the gcc ports.  They are basically unusable
for C++ as-is.  Please complain to the maintainer. :-)

> Solution:
>       I added the following line to /etc/libmap.conf
>       libstdc++.so.6  gcc47/libstdc++.so.6
>       again compiling with g++47 had no such problem.

This is a rather brute-force solution, but it should work, since newer
versions of libstdc++ are backwards compatible.


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