Old Synopsis: [umass] umass problems (usb and fw disks)
New Synopsis: problems with usb and fw disks

State-Changed-From-To: open->feedback
State-Changed-By: gavin
State-Changed-When: Mon Feb 2 20:46:56 UTC 2009
To submitter:  Sorry this PR has sat so long without a response.
I wonder, are you able to provide two full copies of any output
from the kernel (/var/log/messages), one while using these disks
as firewire disks, and the other while using it as a USB disk?
Also, if the machine panics, are you able to get a backtrace in
both cases ? (you may need to recompile your kernel with the
Kernel Debugger, see
for details).


Responsible-Changed-From-To: freebsd-usb->gavin
Responsible-Changed-By: gavin
Responsible-Changed-When: Mon Feb 2 20:46:56 UTC 2009
Not USB specific. Track.

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