Old Synopsis: [request] USB 2.0 problems on AMD LX-800 CPU and CS-5536 chipset
New Synopsis: [usb67] [ehci] [hang] USB 2.0 problems on AMD LX-800 CPU and 
CS-5536 chipset

State-Changed-From-To: open->feedback
State-Changed-By: gavin
State-Changed-When: Mon Aug 24 16:31:09 UTC 2009
To submitter: Firstly, sorry that this PR has sat for so long without
being looked at.  Do you know if this problem has ever been resolved?
If not, is there any chance you could obtain more information for us?
Please, boot with the "verbose" option from the boot menu, and show us
the last few lines printed before the hang.  Thanks!

Responsible-Changed-From-To: freebsd-usb->gavin
Responsible-Changed-By: gavin
Responsible-Changed-When: Mon Aug 24 16:31:09 UTC 2009

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