El día Wednesday, October 13, 2010 a las 02:11:48PM -0400, Scott Charron 

> Hi,
> I don't know if this is a USB problem or not - but I figured I'd start here.
> I have a Acer H340.  I installed a barebones install of FreeBSD8.1
> (release).  I previously had FreeBSD8.0 release and was experiencing the
> same problem.
> I have a 4GB USB memory stick that I installed FreeBSD onto (512M /, 512M
> /var, remaining /usr).
> Everything works great, but if if the PC receives a power loss I get file
> system corruption problems:
> Something like:

Of course, if the system on power loss can't shutdown and umount the
file systems and the root fs, this exactly will be the result that the
fs are marked as dirty, need fsck on reboot and sometimes even a
manually fsck if the inconsistencies are to not easy repairable.

You might count this a feature, and not a bug.


Matthias Apitz
t +49-89-61308 351 - f +49-89-61308 399 - m +49-170-4527211
e <g...@unixarea.de> - w http://www.unixarea.de/
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