Try to set the no synchronize cache quirk. Then reattach your device. It might
be the msctest which is causing your problem!

I tried setting the quirk just for the device but I failed to find the right magic numbers. The device shows up as:

<vendor 0x091e product 0x23c0, class 0/0, rev 1.10/5.09, addr 5>

So I tried the following:

usbconfig add_dev_quirk_vplh 0x091e 0x23c0 0x0509 0x0110 UQ_MSC_NO_SYNC_CACHE

On re-attach, I see an unchanged quirks = 0x4000.

I then tried setting the quirk globally:

usbconfig add_quirk UQ_MSC_NO_SYNC_CACHE

On re-attach, I see an unchanged quirks = 0x4000.

How do I make the quirk actually stick?

usbconfig -h | grep quirk

I have seen you post this line before. At least on my system, it does not work. usbconfig writes straight to the screen, grep does not filter anything.

- Bartosz
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