El día miércoles, enero 02, 2019 a las 12:37:37p. m. +0100, Hans Petter Selasky 

> > Nothing. Only on boot it sees the card:
> And you are using the latest version of pcsd ?

Yes. Compiled with all ports from December 23.

> > Jan  2 11:25:39 c720-r342378 kernel: ugen0.1: <0x8086 XHCI root HUB> at 
> > usbus0
> > Jan  2 11:25:39 c720-r342378 kernel: ugen1.1: <Intel EHCI root HUB> at 
> > usbus1
> > Jan  2 11:25:39 c720-r342378 kernel: ugen1.2: <vendor 0x8087 product 
> > 0x8000> at usbus1
> > Jan  2 11:25:39 c720-r342378 kernel: ugen0.2: <SunplusIT Inc HD WebCam> at 
> > usbus0
> > Jan  2 11:25:39 c720-r342378 kernel: ugen0.3: <vendor 0x0489 product 
> > 0xe056> at usbus0
> > Jan  2 11:25:39 c720-r342378 kernel: ugen0.4: <Identiv uTrust 3512 SAM slot 
> > Token> at usbus0
> There has been some changes in libusb recently .

After card removal and insert devd(8) starts a new pcsd:

Jan  2 16:39:11 c720-r342378 kernel: ugen0.4: <Identiv uTrust 3512 SAM slot 
Token> at usbus0
Jan  2 16:39:11 c720-r342378 root[13636]: CCID uTrust, type: ATTACH, system: 
USB, subsystem: INTERFACE
Jan  2 16:39:11 c720-r342378 root[13637]: /usr/local/sbin/pcscd --debug 

This sits hanging on /dev/usb/1.1.0:

# lsof -p 13639
pcscd   13639 root  cwd   VDIR              0,113     1024        2 /
pcscd   13639 root  rtd   VDIR              0,113     1024        2 /
pcscd   13639 root  txt   VREG              0,113   121992 15279826 
pcscd   13639 root  txt   VREG              0,113   151560 29294355 
pcscd   13639 root  txt   VREG              0,113    98016 29294906 
pcscd   13639 root  txt   VREG              0,113    27640 29294864 
pcscd   13639 root  txt   VREG              0,113   135712 29293769 
pcscd   13639 root  txt   VREG              0,113  2063072 29294412 
pcscd   13639 root    0r  VCHR               0,43      0t0       43 /dev/null
pcscd   13639 root    1u  VCHR               0,43      0t0       43 /dev/null
pcscd   13639 root    2u  VCHR               0,43      0t0       43 /dev/null
pcscd   13639 root    3u  unix 0xfffff800609ff6d0      0t0          
pcscd   13639 root    4u  PIPE 0xfffff8004f13c2f8    16384          
pcscd   13639 root    5u  PIPE 0xfffff8004f13c460        0          
pcscd   13639 root    6u  unix 0xfffff80072b03a38      0t0          
pcscd   13639 root    7u  PIPE 0xfffff8004e5422f8    16384          
pcscd   13639 root    8u  PIPE 0xfffff8004e542460        0          
pcscd   13639 root    9u  PIPE 0xfffff8004e509000    16384          
pcscd   13639 root   10u  PIPE 0xfffff8004e509168        0          
pcscd   13639 root   11u  VCHR               0,52      0t0       52 
pcscd   13639 root   12u  VCHR               0,52      0t0       52 

(note: the older working proc had open /dev/usb/0.4.0)

> What does "procstat -ak" output. Does it hang on any "usb" functions?

# ps ax | grep pcs
13639  -  I      0:00,01 /usr/local/sbin/pcscd --debug --foreground
13967  4  S+     0:00,01 grep pcs

# procstat -k 13639
  PID    TID COMM                TDNAME              KSTACK
13639 100287 pcscd               -                   mi_switch sleepq_switch 
sleepq_catch_signals sleepq_wait_sig _sleep pipe_read dofileread kern_readv 
sys_read amd64_syscall fast_syscall_common
13639 100821 pcscd               -                   mi_switch sleepq_switch 
sleepq_catch_signals sleepq_wait_sig _sleep pipe_read dofileread kern_readv 
sys_read amd64_syscall fast_syscall_common
13639 100822 pcscd               -                   mi_switch sleepq_switch 
sleepq_catch_signals sleepq_wait_sig _sx_xlock_hard _sx_xlock 
usbd_enum_lock_sig usb_ref_device usb_open devfs_open VOP_OPEN_APV 
vn_open_vnode vn_open_cred kern_openat amd64_syscall fast_syscall_common


Matthias Apitz, ✉ g...@unixarea.de, http://www.unixarea.de/ +49-176-38902045
Public GnuPG key: http://www.unixarea.de/key.pub
October, 7 -- The GDR was different: Peace instead of Bundeswehr and wars, 
instead of Nazis, to live instead of to survive.
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