Hi Paul,

On Sun, Feb 23, 2014 at 7:57 AM, Paul Schenkeveld <free...@psconsult.nl> wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried to get bhyve to run on my home server but got consistent
> crashes as soon as I touch the network.
> Hardware: Supermicro X9SPV-F3610ME-O (embedded i5) with 16GB RAM
> Host kernels (+userland of the same version):
>         10.0 RC5
>         10.0 RELEASE
>         10 STABLE
> The kernel has been stripped (unneeded drivers and stuff like DEBUG,
> Guest operating systems:
>         9.2 RELEASE
>         10.0 RELEASE
> Procedure:
>         # ifconfig tap0 create up
>         # ifconfig bridge0 create up
>         # ifconfig bridge0 addm tap0 addm em0
>         # kldload vmm
>         # mkdir /vm/test
>         # cd /vm/test
>         # ln -s /images/FreeBSD-10.0-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso release.iso
>         # sh vmrun.sh -c 1 -m 512 -t tap0
>         <do a default install, no games/ports, IPv4 DHCP, no IPv6>
>         <add 'console "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600" unknown on secure' to
>          /etc/ttys>
>         <add 'ifconfig_vtnet0="DHCP"' to /etc/rc.conf>
>         <reboot guest>
> At the point where DHCP sends the first query I get a segmentation fault
> and the guest stops.
> I can provoke the same segfault by not putting the DHCP line into
> rc.conf and trying to ifconfig vtnet0 or by adding tap0 to bridge0 in
> the host after the guest has stopped.
> Although it worked perfectly fine with bhyve a couple of months ago
> (with an older build of 10.0-CURRENT that I don't have here anymore), I
> suspected the hardware and tried the same on my Macbook Pro with Vmware
> Fusion with a 10.0 RELEASE guest.
> The stripped 10 STABLE guest segfaults in the same way, the other two
> both work.
> I bought the home server for building software for older releases
> (mostly FreeBSD 8 and 9), my Macbook with Fusion is too slow and often
> in use for other purposes.
> Is this behaviour seen by others?
> I can provide more details or core dumps if that helps locating/solving
> the problem.

I am not clear about what exactly is segfaulting: is it the bhyve
process or the guest kernel? Do you have a screenshot and/or a
backtrace of the segfaulting entity?


> With kind regards,
> Paul Schenkeveld
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