On Thu, 02 Oct 2014 11:49:19 +0100
Karl Pielorz <kpielorz_...@tdx.co.uk> wrote:

> --On 02 October 2014 10:06 +0200 Christian Laursen
> <x...@borderworlds.dk> wrote:
> > Hello
> >
> > I have a few bhyve instances running that all seem to have a higher
> > load average than what would seem normal for a system that is idle.
> >
> > [snip]
> >
> > last pid:  6109;  load averages:  0.41,  0.38,  0.39    up
> > 1+14:27:48 09:56:25
> Hi,
> I think this has been covered on other lists - and is apparently
> "normal" (i.e. cosmetic).
> I've installed a number of FBSD10 boxes recently, and they all seem
> to idle at around that (even when doing absolutely nothing) - I did
> post about it and was told it was just cosmetic... It certainly seems
> to be cosmetic.
> If it's the same issue - I'd guess it's not bhyve related...
> "
> last pid:  1294;  load averages:  0.42,  0.32,  0.27 
> up 1+20:44:55  11:47:16
> 18 processes:  1 running, 17 sleeping
> CPU:  0.0% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.1% interrupt, 99.9% idle
> "
> That's from a bare metal amd64 10.0-RELEASE-p9 box with no services /
> users on it.
> Thinking about it - we had the same 'symptom' on a Xen based FBSD 10
> box as well...

For your bare metal box, could you send the output of vmstat -i ? I had
the same issue on older boxes and it went away after setting


in /boot/loader.conf (see hpet(4)).

> -Karl
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