On Fri, Oct 21, 2016 at 03:21:10PM -0700, Peter Grehan wrote:
> >> [Windows could not parse or process unattend answer file
> >> [D:\autounattend.xml] for pass [windowsPE]. The answer file is
> >> invalid.]
> >
> > Something is wrong with your autounattend.xml file.
>   Still working on the 2k16 unattend file. Unfortunately things have 
> changed from TP5 in a non-obvious way :(
>   A workaround is to do a GUI install.
> later,
> Peter.

Please explain what you mean by a GUI install.

Member - Liberal International This is doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca Ici doctor@@nl2k.ab.ca
God,Queen and country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising! 
http://www.fullyfollow.me/rootnl2k  Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism
Time for the USA to hold a referendum on its republic and vote to dissolve!! 
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