On 11/05/16 14:24, Rajil Saraswat wrote:
> Hello,
> I am running debian8 in a bhyve instance. The host has a 10g network and
> uses Intel X540-AT2 NIC. The guest has a poor network speed in the order
> of 2-3 kBps. However, if i disable the hardware offload features of the
> NIC it brings the host speed from 10g to 1g, and bhyve shows 1g speed as
> well. I use the following in rc.conf
>  ifconfig_ix0="-rxcsum -txcsum  -vlanmtu  -vlanhwtso  -tso4 -tso6
> -vlanhwtso -vlanhwcsum up"
> Is there anyway around to get 10g speed on host and better speed in the
> vm simultaneously?
> Thanks
> Rajil
I see the same poor speeds with the host running Mellanox Connectx-2
SFP+ card too.
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