On Wed, 30 Jan 2019 at 04:57, Paul Kraus <p...@kraus-haus.org> wrote:

> On Jan 28, 2019, at 2:40 AM, Patrick M. Hausen <hau...@punkt.de> wrote:
> >
> > Good morning,
> >
> >> Am 28.01.2019 um 03:53 schrieb Paul Kraus <p...@kraus-haus.org>:
> >> (Open)Solaris already had Linux Brand zones, which I’m sure helped get
> there much faster.
> >> They could already run Linux (user space) in a Zone.
> >
> > Yes, but how did they get there? Is there some technical reason
> > why Linux branded zones are „so far ahead“ of FreeBSD’s Linux
> > ABI that they can run native Docker images while FreeBSD can’t?
> >
> > Or is it just a matter of money and manpower invested?
> May be. Solaris introduced Containers and Zones in Solaris 10 and over the
> life of Solaris 10 added new features. I suspect Linux Branded Zones was
> developed along side Solaris Branded Zones (which let you run a different
> version of Solaris in a Zone), but Sun was paying for the development
> effort. All that was over 10 years ago now and the memory is not as clear
> as it was then.
> Joyent had one engineer (Jerry Jelinek) who worked on the revival of the
LX Branded Zones on SmartOS.  Jerry spent a few months getting Ubuntu 10.04
running out of the box and fixed numerous issues with compatibility and
getting various builds of Ubuntu to boot over around six months (if memory
serves me correctly).  Bryan Cantrill the CTO at the time at Joyent had a
presentation on this.

It might have also helped that the Linux ABI was mostly stable.


> Joyent also pays people to develop Illumos / SmartOS.
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