Michael Reifenberger wrote:
> Hi,
> first I tried to install windows10 ltsc 2019 onto a nvme disk.
> This failed, the windows installer did not find a disk to install.
> Then I tried the following setup:
> ...
> disk0_type="ahci-hd"
> disk0_dev="zvol"
> disk0_name="disk0"
> disk1_type="nvme"
> disk1_dev="zvol"
> disk1_name="disk1"
> disk1_type="ahci-cd"
> disk1_name="disk2.img"

>If this is exact copy/paste, shouldn't the 2 lines above use disk2 prefix 

There's definitely an issue with the configuration file, but vm-bhyve retrieves 
config settings by looking through the file (which is loaded into a variable) 
line by line and returning the first match. As such, it will likely be ignoring 
the ahci-cd & disk2.img settings. Strange why the last disk is a CD and 
pointing at a .img file though.

More useful would be the actual bhyve command from /path/to/guest/vm-bhyve.log, 
and maybe also confirmation that the zvol path that appears in that command 
line correctly points to an existing zvol.


> ...
> And Installed windows on disk0.
> Disk0 is found as expected, disk1 is not.
> The devicemanager reports an error:
> https://imgur.com/a/zrHx23y
> Shouldn't nvme be supported in behyve?
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