Victor Sudakov wrote:
> > > Therefore I ask again if someone has an actual success story of running
> > > a Windows guest on a virtio-blk device.
> > 
> > Hi Viktor
> > 
> > Looking through my notes I'm not using virtio-blk I think, but I had
> > no issues with the specific driver version linked to below
> > albeit with win7 Hope that’s helpful.
> Not so much unfortunately. I've tried virtio-win-0.1.96.iso from your
> article. Windows 2012R2 server crashes on it, and Windows10 drivers are
> missing from it altogether.
> I've been using virtio-win-0.1.141.iso, which seems younger than yours,
> it contains Windows10 drivers, but it still crashes both Windows 2012R2
> server and Windows10 guests.
> There is virtio-win-0.1.164.iso available at
> I'll try that and report.

virtio-win-0.1.164.iso still crashes the guest with Windows 2012R2 server 

Victor Sudakov,  VAS4-RIPE, VAS47-RIPN

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