Hello, I originally asked this on the FreeNAS forums and was directed here. I'm 
not sure if this is a FreeNAS issue, a bhyve issue, or a me doing something 
wrong issue.

My processor (W3550) supports virtualization but does not have unrestricted 
guest capability. According to the documentation 
(https://www.freebsd.org/doc/handbook/virtualization-host-bhyve.html) it sounds 
like I should still be able to run VMs as long as they only have one vCPU but I 
still get the error. According to this post 
(https://redmine.ixsystems.com/issues/31338) it sounds like this is only true 
for FreeBSD VMs but the source provided doesn't talk about number of cores.

Can someone confirm under what conditions a VM can be run without unrestricted 

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