Rodney W. Grimes wrote:


> > 
> > root@mfsbsd:~ # find /mnt/ -name grubx64.efi
> > /mnt/EFI/centos/grubx64.efi
> > 
> > Who is to blame, bhyve or FreePBX's installer?
> > 
> > How can I tell bhyve's UEFI loader to look for grubx64.efi in a
> > different place? Or look for a different loader?
> > 
> > Who says that the image to load should be "\EFI\BOOT\grubx64.efi" and
> > not "\EFI\BOOT\BOOTX64.EFI" for example?
> I can not quickly answer that, but lets try the short quick fix
> and simply copy this file to the right place and see if that
> gets you up and running. 

Yes, copying grubx64.efi to "\EFI\BOOT\" does get the guest up and
running (I used mfsbsd from a different VM to manipulate the EFI

Moreover, I waited (for a long time!) for the EFI interactive shell
prompt and with a few commands:

 Shell> fs0
 FS0:\> cd \EFI\centos
 FS0:\EFI\centos\> grubx64.efi       

I also managed to boot the guest OS all right.

But naturally, the latter fix worked till next reboot only, I don't know
how to save the new EFI setup in the guest's configuration.

The hardware UFI BIOSes I've seen so far (not many, I must admit)
permitted me to save which efi binary I would prefer to boot next time.

> That would also tell us that we have
> what is actually a common efi system failure problem in that
> stuff looks in the wrong place.

It seems so.

>  I have read many an install
> instruction that just says copy this file to these too places
> as some bioses look for it in one place and others look for it
> someplace else.

I would very much appreciate a link to some such instruction about
uefi-edk2-bhyve: namely how and where it looks for what on boot, and if I
can create a menu for example, or change its startup procedure.

I can guess that it looks for a FAT16 partition in the GPT with the type
"efi" but the rest is a mystery for me. Why is it trying to find
"grubx64.efi" and not the default "boot64.efi" (which is present), for

Victor Sudakov,  VAS4-RIPE, VAS47-RIPN

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