On Mon, 13 Jul 2020 at 08:25, Emmanuel Vadot <m...@bidouilliste.com> wrote:

>  Compile and working ?
>  Because that's easy to compile code if you add a lot of dummy stub
> functions.

I'm happy that this is going on; at the very least it'll point out a bunch
of missing bits from our net80211 API that should get implemented (whether
for linuxkpi style reasons or not!) that newer chipsets want.

That's why I've started implementing per-VAP versions of things, initial
uAPSD negotiation, etc - the ath10k driver port showed they were missing
from net80211. I implemented them in ath10k then migrated them to net80211.

I have a whole lot more to port from ath10k -> net80211 too. :-) There are
a bunch of "is this 802.11 header X?" inlines / macros that mac80211 has
that we don't, and it would be nice to have them in net80211.

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