On Wed, 26 Dec 2012 10:17:25 +0900
moto kawasaki <m...@kawasaki3.org> wrote:

> Official Support of FreeBSD as domU.
> # Didn't someone talk about it on this ML ?? or my imagination ??

I've mentioned it. The domU tools scripts are being redesigned to be more 
platform agnostic and a guy on that team at Citrix has been having me assist 
him with figuring out how to pull data in the format he needs as there are new 
features coming to XenServer. It looks like Citrix has interest in FreeBSD 
because a client wants to do a large deployment, and NetBSD will be easy too. 
They want these tools to be in FreeBSD ports and NetBSD's pkgsrc, so it will be 
well integrated with the community and the way the OS already is maintained. It 
just sounds like Citrix will be pushing patches to the port maintainer in the 
future (unless they take it over themselves).

Overall, things are looking bright for FreeBSD/Xen users.
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