
I setup a VM a while ago under XenServer 6.2 - it's an amd64 FBSD 10.0-S box (based on r261289) - it's running under Xen PVHVM.

I set it up - and left it for a while (46 days). I went to ssh to it today, and got:

ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host

Getting on to the boxes console there's lots of what look to be 'stuck' sshd processes?

0 3933 895 0 20 0 84868 6944 urdlck Is - 0:00.01 sshd: unknown [priv] (sshd)
22  3934 3933 0  20  0     0    0 -      Z  -  0:00.00 <defunct>
0 3935 3933 0 20 0 84868 6952 sbwait I - 0:00.00 sshd: unknown [pam] (sshd) 0 4338 895 0 20 0 84868 6944 urdlck Is - 0:00.01 sshd: unknown [priv] (sshd)
22  4339 4338 0  20  0     0    0 -      Z  -  0:00.00 <defunct>

Anyone know what 'urdlck' is?

There's 126 of these processes, e.g.

5446  -  I         0:00.00 sshd: unknown [pam] (sshd)
5450  -  Is        0:00.01 sshd: unknown [priv] (sshd)
5452  -  I         0:00.00 sshd: unknown [pam] (sshd)
5453  -  Is        0:00.01 sshd: unknown [priv] (sshd)

Bearing in mind the box is firewalled from ssh access, and no one (apart from me today) has attempted to get onto the box with ssh - this is a little concerning. Every about 5-10 connects will actually 'connect' - the rest just result in the 'key exchange' error.

Kernel is GENERIC with:

  options NO_ADAPTIVE_SX

There's nothing logged in dmesg, or syslog.

Is there anything worth doing to this VM before I restart it - i.e. to try and figure out what's happened? / troubleshoot?


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