Mas é em open que ele esta  tentando ele  posta aqui  pra ver se
alguém tem alguma luz  ou ideia

Mas acho que esse trunk é somente  para agregar basico juntando 2
placas e  no outro lado também deve ter  um trunk para sua 
comunicaçao  ... como um trunk de switch

juntando 2 portas deixando ele  200/400

ele nao esta com implementaçao total e funcional do fail over  ou link
aggregation   como uma placa de rede  da  znyx que faz isso por

RAINlink is ZNYX Networks software that enables Ethernet adapters and
other chassis devices with sophisticated High Availability
applications for Carrier Grade and Service Provider environments. The
underlying technology is called RAIN -- Redundant Array of Independent
Netports. RAINlink creates High Availability services for connection
availability of 99.999% or better. Services powered by RAINlink

    * Failover -- Eliminates downtime when a network connection fails.
Enabled by configuring a server and subnet with 2-port connectivity.
Transparent failover takes as little as 10 milliseconds. Automatic
failback occurs when connection is reestablished, with no
reconfiguration or change of IP address required. Failover may be used
with Multi-Homing.
    * Multi-Homing -- Allows one server to communicate with two
subnets. Provides system security with logical separation of network
traffic; devices on one subnet are invisible to those on another
subnet. Multi-Homing may be used with Failover.
    * Fault Tolerance -- Prevents single point of failure when using
Failover and Multi-Homing by configuring server with two adapters,
each communicating with both subnets. RAINlink allows simultaneous use
of several ZNYX Networks adapters for complex network configurations.
    * Link Aggregation -- Combines two or more network links into a
bonded trunk, which aggregates throughput from the separate
connections for more bandwidth. In a CPU-to-CPU configuration,
RAINlink Link Aggregation cuts transmission time in half -- with
automatic failover and failback. Communications continue even if one
channel fails in a multi-link trunk. Latter feature is called Load
    * Load Balancing -- RAINlink load balances traffic across any
trunk or groups of trunks to prevent interrupting network applications
and services.


Em 22/03/06, x86br x86br<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu:
> Acho que o Trunk so funciona no OpenBSD.
> O FreeBSD ainda nao importou isso.
> X
> Em 22/03/06, Waldir Borba Junior <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu:
> >
> > Novamente estou aqui com a minha duvida,
> >
> > Imagine o seguinte ambiente...
> >
> > xl0 - LAN ( )
> > rl0 - Cable ( ) GW ( ) - Master
> > rl1 - ADSL ( ) GW ( ) - Slave
> >
> > Minha conf ficaria assim:
> >
> > /etc/mygate
> >
> >
> > /etc/hostname.xl0
> > inet NONE
> >
> > /etc/hostname.rl0
> > inet NONE
> >
> > /etc/hostname.rl1
> > inet NONE
> >
> > /etc/hostname.trunk0
> > !ifconfig rl0 up
> > !ifconfig rl1 up
> > !ifconfig trunk0 create
> > !ifconfig trunk0 trunkport rl0
> > !ifconfig trunk0 trunkport rl1
> > !ifconfig trunk0
> >
> > A principio quando eu subo o trunk ele nao da nanhum erro nada... Pingo na
> > placa interna, na slave mas quando master nao responde e ping para fora da
> > rede nao responde.
> >
> > Aonde estou errando ??? Ja que nao existe nenhum manual mais detalhado
> > sobre
> > isso :(
> >
> > att,
> >
> > Waldir
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > freebsd mailing list
> > freebsd@fug.com.br
> > http://lists.fug.com.br/listinfo.cgi/freebsd-fug.com.br
> >
> --
> Best Regards,
> x86br
> _______________________________________________
> freebsd mailing list
> freebsd@fug.com.br
> http://lists.fug.com.br/listinfo.cgi/freebsd-fug.com.br

William David Armstrong
Bio Systems Security.

ICQ 27550645
MSN / GT Ψ biosystems ∆ gmail . com Ψ
<----.     Of course it runs
<----' NetBSD, OpenBSD or FreeBSD
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