Ae galera, tenho o pptpd instalado aqui , e ta funcionando normal...sem 
problemas...acontece que no log sempre recebo uns erros ao conectar:

Jul 30 21:17:59 gateway ppp[4453]: Warning: Local: bind: Address already 
in use
Jul 30 21:17:59 gateway ppp[4453]: Warning: set server: Failed 2
Jul 30 21:18:03 gateway pptpd[4452]: CTRL: Ignored a SET LINK INFO 
packet with real ACCMs!
Jul 30 21:18:03 gateway pptpd[4452]: GRE: 
read(fd=7,buffer=804d580,len=8196) from PTY failed: status = 0 error = 
No error
Jul 30 21:18:03 gateway pptpd[4452]: CTRL: PTY read or GRE write failed 
Jul 30 21:18:09 gateway ppp[4455]: Warning: Local: bind: Address already 
in use
Jul 30 21:18:09 gateway ppp[4455]: Warning: set server: Failed 2
Jul 30 21:18:20 gateway ppp[4457]: Warning: Local: bind: Address already 
in use
Jul 30 21:18:20 gateway ppp[4457]: Warning: set server: Failed 2
Jul 30 21:18:23 gateway pptpd[4456]: CTRL: Ignored a SET LINK INFO 
packet with real ACCMs!

eh algo como se um ip ja estivesse sendo usado, mas o range de ips que 
esta configurado nenhum esta sendo usado...

alguem tem ideia?

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