O cabo é um CAT6 blindado. Não sei como está o cabo porque estou a kms de
distancia desta operação.

Vou colocar mais algumas informações:

gw# netstat -nm
6395/2950/9345 mbufs in use (current/cache/total)
6393/3037/9430/2097152 mbuf clusters in use (current/cache/total/max)
6392/2184 mbuf+clusters out of packet secondary zone in use (current/cache)
0/0/0/12800 4k (page size) jumbo clusters in use (current/cache/total/max)
0/0/0/6400 9k jumbo clusters in use (current/cache/total/max)
0/0/0/3200 16k jumbo clusters in use (current/cache/total/max)
14400K/6811K/21212K bytes allocated to network (current/cache/total)
0/0/0 requests for mbufs denied (mbufs/clusters/mbuf+clusters)
0/0/0 requests for jumbo clusters denied (4k/9k/16k)
0/6/6656 sfbufs in use (current/peak/max)
0 requests for sfbufs denied
0 requests for sfbufs delayed
0 requests for I/O initiated by sendfile
0 calls to protocol drain routines

Deixei o nmbclusters com esse valor:


gw# limits
Resource limits (current):
  cputime              infinity secs
  filesize             infinity kB
  datasize               524288 kB
  stacksize               65536 kB
  coredumpsize         infinity kB
  memoryuse            infinity kB
  memorylocked         infinity kB
  maxprocesses             5547
  openfiles               11095
  sbsize               infinity bytes
  vmemoryuse           infinity kB
  pseudo-terminals     infinity
  swapuse              infinity kB

gw# vmstat -z
ITEM                     SIZE     LIMIT      USED      FREE  REQUESTS

mbuf_packet:              256,        0,     6400,     2176,
351387694,        0
mbuf:                     256,        0,        4,      765,
502813275,        0
mbuf_cluster:            2048,  2097152,     8577,      853,
145329250,        0
mbuf_jumbo_page:         4096,    12800,        0,        0,
0,        0
mbuf_jumbo_9k:           9216,     6400,        0,        0,
0,        0
mbuf_jumbo_16k:         16384,     3200,        0,        0,
0,        0
mbuf_ext_refcnt:            4,        0,        0,      406,
3,        0


set limit { states 1000000, frags 100000 }
set optimization normal

scrub in all
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