
sitedeki yaziyi tam okumamissiniz sanirim!
#ln -s /etc/dnscachex /service                
bu komutu vermeyi unutmussunuz!
ve burayi da 
# touch /etc/dnscachex/root/ip/193.140.1  
 {***Default olarak dnscache bütün queryleri deny eder.Bu 193.140.1 dosyası ile ağ 
içine dnsquery yapması için izin verelim.}

svscan prosesini oldurun, yukaridaki isleri yaptiksan sonra

# svscan /service &
komutunu verin
kolay gelsin

On Sun, Dec 28, 2003 at 10:46:44AM +0200, Mesut G?LNAZ wrote:
> Selamlar!
> djbdns ve squid kurdum 
> dnscachex cal??m?yor ve squid ise hata veriyor 
> dnscache kurulumunu
> sitesinden yapt?m
> ama portstan kurdum. daemon ise kurulu
> ama ba?lam?yor 
> /etc/dnscachex/root/ip nin i?erisinde ise sadece li ip var
> ama server ?n kendi ipsi yok 
> svscan /service $ dedi?im zaman ise 
> su-2.05b# svscan /service &
> [1] 222
> su-2.05b# supervise: fatal: unable to acquire log/supervise/lock:
> temporary 
> failure
> supervise: fatal: unable to start supervise/run: file does not exist
> supervise: fatal: unable to start env/run: file does not exist
> supervise: fatal: unable to start root/run: file does not exist 
> diye bir hata al?yorum ve dnscachex ?al??m??m? diye bakt???m zaman ise 
> ?al??mad???n? ??r?yorum. 
> bunun yan?nda bundan dolay? m? bilmiyorum ama squid de hata veriyor.
> sizlere /etc/resolve.conf un i?eri?ini g?nderiyorum 
> nameserver
> nameserver
> nameserver
> nameserver 
> squid in verdi?i hata ise : 
> Dec 24 21:31:31 araci squid[196]: Squid Parent: child process 199
> started
> Dec 24 21:31:31 araci squid[197]: Squid Parent: child process 201
> started
> Dec 24 21:31:31 araci (squid): Cannot open HTTP Port
> Dec 24 21:31:31 araci /kernel: pid 199 (squid), uid 65534: exited on
> signal 
> 6
> Dec 24 21:31:31 araci squid[196]: Squid Parent: child process 199 exited
> due 
> to signal 6
> Dec 24 21:31:34 araci squid[196]: Squid Parent: child process 205
> started
> Dec 24 21:31:34 araci squid[196]: Squid Parent: child process 205 exited
> with status 1
> Dec 24 21:31:37 araci squid[196]: Squid Parent: child process 207
> started
> Dec 24 21:31:37 araci squid[196]: Squid Parent: child process 207 exited
> with status 1
> Dec 24 21:31:40 araci squid[196]: Squid Parent: child process 209
> started
> Dec 24 21:31:40 araci squid[196]: Squid Parent: child process 209 exited
> with status 1
> Dec 24 21:31:43 araci squid[196]: Squid Parent: child process 211
> started
> Dec 24 21:31:43 araci squid[196]: Squid Parent: child process 211 exited
> with status 1
> Dec 24 21:31:43 araci squid[196]: Exiting due to repeated, frequent
> failures 
> sadece bu sorunlar?m var. gerisin hallettim e?er bunlar?da helledersem
> ?ok 
> sevinece?im
> yard?mlar?n?z ve ilgini? i?in ?ok te?ekk?rler! 
> Kolay gelsin iyi ?al??malar!
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