
vpopmail ve qmailadmin'de versiyon upgrade yaptim

qmailadmin'e girdigimde

"No users left to view, please return to the previous page"

hatası alıyorum.. ve hic bir kullanıcı goremiyorum..

acıklaması da altta ama ilginctir ki uygulasam da soruna cozum bulamadım

vmoduser -C "" [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

buna benzer sorun yaşayanımız oldu mu acaba...



kaynak altta....................................................... 


5. Since upgrading to vpopmail-5.0, not all of my users show up anymore,

or I get the message "No users left to view, please return to the

previous page" when trying to view POP Accounts.

Answer: This is most likeley caused by recompiling vpopmail-5.0 with clear

password support using the cdb authentication module (default). Domains that

were created *before* recompiling do not have the clear password field in the

vpasswd file. Any users created *after* upgrading do not have this problem.

This field can be created by running:

vmoduser -C "" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

for each user in each domain. There is a simple bash script in the contrib

directory called that will automate this task for you.

***Make sure you backup your password files before running this script, as it

is not supported. Read comments at the top of the script for more info.
