Bu sendmail log'larinin periodicten atilan emaillere ait olduguna emin misiniz?


Sendmail command-line olarak calisir. 25.i portu bind edip sunucu olarak calismasina zaten gerek yok. Yani sendmailin calismiyor olmasi problem olmaz.


Yerel sendmail ayarlarinda bir problem olabilir.


Disariya gondermek icin /etc/mail/aliases dan root, postmaster ve MAILER-DAEMON i disardaki bir emaili yonlendirip dene.


Sunu da merak ediyorum, sorunu tam anlamak icin: sendmaili calisitirnca periodic loglar duzgun dagitiliyor mu?

Baris Simsek
TURCom Iletisim A.S.

-----Original Message-----
From: Metin Pasaoglu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 12:02 PM
Subject: FW: [freebsd] günlük ve haftalık raporlar ve sendmail!


Merhaba Mesut Bey,


Periadik olarak calisan scriptlerin sadece bir dosyaya yazilmasi icin:


cp /etc/defaults/periodic.conf /etc


vi /etc/periodic.conf


icinde degisecek satirlari ise soyle:





bunlar normalde:








daha ayrintili bilgi ise asagida:


lysis# man 8 periodic
Formatting page, please wait...Done.
PERIODIC(8)             FreeBSD System Manager's Manual            PERIODIC(8)


     periodic -- run periodic system functions


     periodic directory ...


     The periodic utility is intended to be called by cron(8) to execute shell
     scripts located in the specified directory.


     One or more of the following arguments must be specified:


     daily    Perform the standard daily periodic executable run.  This usu-
              ally occurs early in the morning (local time).


     weekly   Perform the standard weekly periodic executable run.  This usu-
              ally occurs on Sunday mornings.


     monthly  Perform the standard monthly periodic executable run.  This usu-
              ally occurs on the first day of the month.


              Perform the standard daily security checks.  This is usually
              spawned by the daily run.


     path     An arbitrary directory containing a set of executables to be


     If an argument is an absolute directory name it is used as is, otherwise
     it is searched for under /etc/periodic and any other directories speci-
     fied by the local_periodic setting in periodic.conf(5) (see below).


     The periodic utility will run each executable file in the directory or
     directories specified.  If a file does not have the executable bit set,
     it is silently ignored.


     Each script is required to exit with one of the following values:


     0     The script has produced nothing notable in its output.  The
           <basedir>_show_success variable controls the masking of this out-


     1     The script has produced some notable information in its output.
           The <basedir>_show_info variable controls the masking of this out-


     2     The script has produced some warnings due to invalid configuration
           settings.  The <basedir>_show_badconfig variable controls the mask-
           ing of this output.


     >2    The script has produced output that must not be masked.


     If the relevant variable (where <basedir> is the base directory in which
     the script resides) is set to ``NO'' in periodic.conf, periodic will mask
     the script output.  If the variable is not set to either ``YES'' or
     ``NO'', it will be given a default value as described in


     All remaining script output is delivered based on the value of the
     <basedir>_output setting.


     If this is set to a path name (beginning with a `/' character), output is
     simply logged to that file.  newsyslog(8) knows about the files
     /var/log/daily.log, /var/log/weekly.log and /var/log/monthly.log, and if
     they exist, it will rotate them at the appropriate times.  These are
     therefore good values if you wish to log periodic output.


     If the <basedir>_output value does not begin with a `/' and is not empty,
     it is assumed to contain a list of email addresses, and the output is
     mailed to them.


     If <basedir>_output is not set or is empty, output is sent to standard


     The periodic utility sets the PATH environment to include all standard
     system directories, but no additional directories, such as
     /usr/local/bin.  If executables are added which depend upon other path
     components, each executable must be responsible for configuring its own
     appropriate environment.


     /etc/crontab                 the periodic utility is typically called via
                                  entries in the system default cron(8) table


     /etc/periodic                the top level directory containing daily,
                                  weekly, and monthly subdirectories which
                                  contain standard system periodic executables


     /etc/defaults/periodic.conf  the periodic.conf system registry contains
                                  variables that control the behaviour of
                                  periodic and the standard daily, weekly, and
                                  monthly scripts


     /etc/periodic.conf           this file contains local overrides for the
                                  default periodic configuration


     The system crontab should have entries for periodic similar to the fol-
     lowing example:


           # do daily/weekly/monthly maintenance
           0      2       *       *       *       root    periodic daily
           0      3       *       *       6       root    periodic weekly
           0      5       1       *       *       root    periodic monthly


     The /etc/defaults/periodic.conf system registry will typically have a
     local_periodic variable reading:


           local_periodic="/usr/local/etc/periodic /usr/X11R6/etc/periodic"


     To log periodic output instead of receiving it as email, add the follow-
     ing lines to /etc/periodic.conf:




     To only see important information from daily periodic jobs, add the fol-
     lowing lines to /etc/periodic.conf:




     sh(1), crontab(5), periodic.conf(5), cron(8), newsyslog(8)


     Exit status is 0 on success and 1 if the command fails for one of the
     following reasons:


     usage: periodic <directory of files to execute>  No directory path argu-
     ment was passed to periodic to specify where the script fragments reside.


     <directory> not found  Self explanatory.


     The periodic utility first appeared in FreeBSD 3.0.


     Since one specifies information about a directory using shell variables
     containing the string, <basedir>, <basedir> must only contain characters
     that are valid within a sh(1) variable name, alphanumerics and under-
     scores, and the first character may not be numeric.


     Paul Traina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
     Brian Somers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


FreeBSD 4.9                    November 28, 2001                   FreeBSD 4.9



From: Mesut GÜLNAZ [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 11:17 AM
Subject: [freebsd] günlük ve haftalık raporlar ve sendmail!


ftp olarak çalışan bir sistem de sendmail i kullanmak istemiyorum.

bu nedenle rc.conf a gereklei olan satırları ekledim ve sendmail artık çalışmıyor.

bunun yanında sistem haftalık ya da günlük raporları [EMAIL PROTECTED] a gönderiyor bilindiği gibi.

bunun içinde sanırım sendmail kullanılıyordu.


sendmail i durdurduktan sonra bu mailleri yollayamadığı için


su-2.05b# tail /var/log/maillog
May 24 03:01:11 ftp sendmail[76571]: i4O01BgK076571: SYSERR(root): savemail: cannot save rejected email anywhere
May 24 03:01:11 ftp sendmail[76618]: i4O01BYv076618: from=root, size=1863, class=0, nrcpts=1, msgid=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
May 24 03:01:11 ftp sm-mta[76620]: i4O01B9G076620: tcpwrappers (localhost.iem.gov.tr, rejection
May 24 03:01:11 ftp sendmail[76618]: i4O01BYv076618: to=root, ctladdr=root (0/0), delay=00:00:00, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=relay, pri=31863, relay=[] [], dsn=5.0.0, stat=Service unavailable
May 24 03:01:11 ftp sendmail[76618]: i4O01BYv076618: i4O01BYw076618: DSN: Service unavailable
May 24 03:01:11 ftp sendmail[76618]: i4O01BYw076618: to=root, delay=00:00:00, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=relay, pri=32887, relay=[], dsn=5.0.0, stat=Service unavailable
May 24 03:01:11 ftp sendmail[76618]: i4O01BYw076618: i4O01BYx076618: return to sender: Service unavailable
May 24 03:01:11 ftp sendmail[76618]: i4O01BYx076618: to=postmaster, delay=00:00:00, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=relay, pri=33911, relay=[], dsn=5.0.0, stat=Service unavailable
May 24 03:01:11 ftp sendmail[76618]: i4O01BYw076618: Losing ./qfi4O01BYw076618: savemail panic
May 24 03:01:11 ftp sendmail[76618]: i4O01BYw076618: SYSERR(root): savemail: cannot save rejected email anywhere


bu hataları veriyor. sendmail çalışmadığı sürece de buraya sistem maillerini atamadığı için depolamaya devam edecek!

bunu halletmek için nasıl bir yol bulabilirim? ya da ne yapabilirim.

örneğin ayrı bi yerde (ayrı bir server da) kurulu bir mail server daki bir account a mail atması şeklinde kullanması için ne yapabilirim? (sendmail de DS var ama sanırım o sendmail çalışırken kullanılabilen bir fonksiyon)


