Okunmasi fayda saglayabilir..

----- Original Message -----
From: "RacerX" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 2004 8:44 PM
Subject: Its not like we didn't already know this but...

> Sent to me by a friend -
> -------------------------
> Surprise.
> According to a study the British security firm mi2g, Linux is the world's
> "most breached" OS and is exploited more frequently than Windows. The
> company recently analyzed more than 235,000 successful attacks against
> computers that were permanently connected to the Internet during the past
> year and concluded that Linux was responsible for most of the successful
> exploits.
> "For how long can the truth remain hidden, that the great emperors of the
> software industry are wearing no clothes fit for the fluid environment in
> which computing takes place, where new threats manifest every hour of
> every day?" DK Matai, mi2g's executive chairman, said in a statement.
> "Busy professionals ... don't have the time to cope with umpteen flavors
> of Linux or to wait for Microsoft's Longhorn when Windows XP has proved to
> be a stumbling block in some well-chronicled instances."
> According to mi2g, Linux-based computers accounted for more than 65
> percent of all successful electronic attacks during the past year, whereas
> Windows-based systems were responsible for only 25 percent. Attacks
> against Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD)-based systems were successful
> less than 5 percent of the time. However, it's worth noting--although mi2g
> didn't--that BSD-based machines make up a small percentage of the
> installed base of permanently connected machines. In all probability,
> those machines weren't attacked simply because there was little incentive
> to do so, not because of any inherent superiority over Linux- or
> Windows-based systems.
> The mi2g study also analyzed the impact of malware during the same time
> period and found that most malware attacks--about 60 percent--successfully
> targeted small businesses, whereas about 33 percent successfully targeted
> home users. Only 6 percent of malware attacks successfully targeted
> midsized businesses, whereas 2.5 percent successfully targeted
> enterprises, government agencies, and similar firms. According to the
> company, 459 successful malware attacks occurred during the past year,
> most of which targeted Windows-based systems. Malware rarely targeted
> BSD-based and Linux systems.
> These electronic attacks are taking an economic toll. The firm says that
> electronic attacks such as Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks
> caused as much as $123 billion in damages during the past year. Malware
> attacks were responsible for $202 billion in damages during the same time
> period.
> Best regards,
> Chris
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