Kod benim değil zaten. 
http://www.enderunix.org/qsheff/index.php?sect=download&lang=en de en altta
yer alan qsheff-mrtg ye ait olan kodlar bunlar. Yanlış hatırlamıyorsam barış
bey tarafından yazılmışlar. Değiştirerek deneyeyim?

-----Original Message-----
From: Mehmet CELIK [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 2:20 PM
To: freebsd@lists.enderunix.org
Subject: RE: [FreeBSD] qsheff ve mrtg

Neden expr fonksiyonunu kullaniyorsunuz? "expr" fonksiyonu yuzunden script
calismiyor ve hata donderiyor.. Acaba script'i asagidaki gibi degistirme
imkaniniz varmidir ?

### Script baslangic

spam=`cat /var/log/qsheff.log | grep HEAD | wc -l`
if [ "X$spam" = "X" ];
   then SPAM = 0
   else SPAM = $spam

cat /var/log/qsheff.log>> /var/log/qsheff.log-head.cumulative
echo $SPAM
### Script bitis

-- Mehmet CELIK

> To: freebsd@lists.enderunix.org
> Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 13:52:51 +0200
> Subject: RE: [FreeBSD] qsheff ve mrtg
> Dediğiniz şekilde yapmaya çalıştım ancak syntax hatası alıyorum. Cfg yi de
> aşağıda iletmeye çalıştım...
> # mrtg qsheff-mrtg.cfg 
> expr: syntax error
> 2008-01-29 13:49:06: WARNING: Problem with External get
> '/usr/local/etc/qsheff-II/qsheff-mrtg-spam.sh':
>    Expected a Number for 'in' but got ''
> 2008-01-29 13:49:06: WARNING: Problem with External get
> '/usr/local/etc/qsheff-II/qsheff-mrtg-spam.sh':
>    Expected a Number for 'out' but got ''
> expr: syntax error
> 2008-01-29 13:49:06: WARNING: Problem with External get
> '/usr/local/etc/qsheff-II/qsheff-mrtg-subj.sh':
>    Expected a Number for 'in' but got ''
> 2008-01-29 13:49:06: WARNING: Problem with External get
> '/usr/local/etc/qsheff-II/qsheff-mrtg-subj.sh':
>    Expected a Number for 'out' but got ''
> expr: syntax error
> 2008-01-29 13:49:06: WARNING: Problem with External get
> '/usr/local/etc/qsheff-II/qsheff-mrtg-head.sh':
>    Expected a Number for 'in' but got ''
> 2008-01-29 13:49:06: WARNING: Problem with External get
> '/usr/local/etc/qsheff-II/qsheff-mrtg-head.sh':
>    Expected a Number for 'out' but got ''
> expr: syntax error
> 2008-01-29 13:49:06: WARNING: Problem with External get
> '/usr/local/etc/qsheff-II/qsheff-mrtg-virus.sh':
>    Expected a Number for 'in' but got ''
> 2008-01-29 13:49:06: WARNING: Problem with External get
> '/usr/local/etc/qsheff-II/qsheff-mrtg-virus.sh':
>    Expected a Number for 'out' but got ''
> 2008-01-29 13:50:02: ERROR: Target[spam][_IN_] ' $target->[0]{$mode} ' did
> not eval into defined data
> 2008-01-29 13:50:02: ERROR: Target[spam][_OUT_] ' $target->[0]{$mode} '
> not eval into defined data
> 2008-01-29 13:50:02: ERROR: Target[subj][_IN_] ' $target->[1]{$mode} ' did
> not eval into defined data
> 2008-01-29 13:50:02: ERROR: Target[subj][_OUT_] ' $target->[1]{$mode} '
> not eval into defined data
> 2008-01-29 13:50:02: ERROR: Target[head][_IN_] ' $target->[2]{$mode} ' did
> not eval into defined data
> 2008-01-29 13:50:02: ERROR: Target[head][_OUT_] ' $target->[2]{$mode} '
> not eval into defined data
> 2008-01-29 13:50:02: ERROR: Target[virus][_IN_] ' $target->[3]{$mode} '
> not eval into defined data
> 2008-01-29 13:50:02: ERROR: Target[virus][_OUT_] ' $target->[3]{$mode} '
> not eval into defined data
> #
> # egrep spam qsheff-mrtg-*
> qsheff-mrtg-head.sh:spam=`cat /var/log/qsheff.log | grep HEAD | wc -l`
> spam=`expr $spam + 0`
> qsheff-mrtg-head.sh:echo $spam
> qsheff-mrtg-spam.sh:spam=`cat /var/log/qsheff.log | grep SPAM | wc -l`
> spam=`expr $spam + 0`
> qsheff-mrtg-spam.sh:cat /var/log/qsheff.log>>
> /var/log/qsheff.log-spam.cumulative
> qsheff-mrtg-spam.sh:echo $spam
> qsheff-mrtg-subj.sh:spam=`cat /var/log/qsheff.log | grep SUBJ | wc -l`
> spam=`expr $spam + 0`
> qsheff-mrtg-subj.sh:echo $spam
> qsheff-mrtg-virus.sh:spam=`cat /var/log/qsheff.log | grep VIRUS | wc -l`
> spam=`expr $spam + 0`
> qsheff-mrtg-virus.sh:echo $spam
> #
> İyi çalışmalar...
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mehmet celik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 1:17 PM
> To: freebsd@lists.enderunix.org
> Subject: RE: [FreeBSD] qsheff ve mrtg
> Selamlar, verdigi hatayi eger  yanlis cevirmiyor isem; "beklenen bir deger
> yok veya bulunamadi" gibi birsey.. Script'leriniz de hata ile alakali ufak
> bir sorun var..
>> echo $spam # As MRTG in
>> echo
> Script ciktisi olarak bir tane '$spam' degiskeni ve arkasindan bos bir
> sekilde '\n' (yani enter) basiliyor. MRTG son degiskeni kabul ettigi icin
> (son girilen input'da NULL oldugu icin) bos bir degere cevap veremiyor.
> "Target" hatalarini bu yuzden vermektedir.. Script'ten en son cikti olarak
> "$spam" degiskenini verirseniz, sorun duzelecektir. Asagida dogru sekilde
> yazmaya calistim.. 
> ### Script baslangic
>  #!/bin/sh
> spam=`cat /var/log/qsheff.log | grep HEAD | wc -l`
> spam=`expr $spam + 0`
> cat /var/log/qsheff.log>> /var/log/qsheff.log-head.cumulative
> echo $spam
> ### Script bitis
> "/usr/local/bin/rateup" hatasina gelince de, MRTG kendisi, html ve png
> dosyalarini rotate ederken, surekli olarak varolan bir html veya png'yi
> ".old" seklinde saklayip yeni geleni onun yerine koyarak rotate islemini
> saglamaktadir. Daha onceden olusturulmus bir html veya png dosyasi
> bulamadigindan dolayi ".old" olarak dosyayi tasiyamamaktadir. Birkac kere
> MRTG calistirdiktan sonra, hatalar ortadan kalkacak ve normale donecektir.
> Kisaca "rateup" uyarisini onemsemeyin.
> -- Mehmet CELIK
> ________________________________
>> To: freebsd@lists.enderunix.org
>> Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 11:20:20 +0200
>> Subject: RE: [FreeBSD] qsheff ve mrtg
>> Dediğiniz gibi yapmaya çalıştım. Ancak eksiklerim var sanırım. Ve yine
> sanırımki "Yukaridaki 4 integer (echo $subj) deger icin ayri ayri kod
> calistirip bunlara ayri ayri "Target" belirtirseniz, sorununuz
> duzelecektir.. " dan kastınızı tam anlayamamışım. İligli konflar aşağıda.
> Hata yı da göndermeye çalıştım. Eksik nokta konusunda yardımcı olabilir
> misiniz?
>> Aldığım hata ( lar ):
>> mrtg qsheff-mrtg.cfg
>> 2008-01-29 11:08:06: WARNING: Problem with External get
> '/usr/local/etc/qsheff-II/qsheff-mrtg-spam.sh':
>>    Expected a Number for 'out' but got ''
>> 2008-01-29 11:08:06: WARNING: Problem with External get
> '/usr/local/etc/qsheff-II/qsheff-mrtg-subj.sh':
>>    Expected a Number for 'out' but got ''
>> 2008-01-29 11:08:06: WARNING: Problem with External get
> '/usr/local/etc/qsheff-II/qsheff-mrtg-head.sh':
>>    Expected a Number for 'out' but got ''
>> 2008-01-29 11:08:06: WARNING: Problem with External get
> '/usr/local/etc/qsheff-II/qsheff-mrtg-virus.sh':
>>    Expected a Number for 'out' but got ''
>> 2008-01-29 11:08:24: ERROR: Target[spam][_OUT_] ' $target->[0]{$mode} '
> did not eval into defined data
>> 2008-01-29 11:08:24, Rateup WARNING: /usr/local/bin/rateup Can't remove
> spam.old updating log file
>> 2008-01-29 11:08:24: ERROR: Target[subj][_OUT_] ' $target->[1]{$mode} '
> did not eval into defined data
>> 2008-01-29 11:08:24, Rateup WARNING: /usr/local/bin/rateup Can't remove
> subj.old updating log file
>> 2008-01-29 11:08:24: ERROR: Target[head][_OUT_] ' $target->[2]{$mode} '
> did not eval into defined data
>> 2008-01-29 11:08:24, Rateup WARNING: /usr/local/bin/rateup Can't remove
> head.old updating log file
>> 2008-01-29 11:08:24: ERROR: Target[virus][_OUT_] ' $target->[3]{$mode} '
> did not eval into defined data
>> 2008-01-29 11:08:24, Rateup WARNING: /usr/local/bin/rateup Can't remove
> virus.old updating log file
>> # cat qsheff-mrtg-*
>> #!/bin/sh
>> #
>> # Produces mrtg values
>> #
>> # -b$, Fri Dec  3 14:25:05 EET 2004
>> #
>> spam=`cat /var/log/qsheff.log | grep HEAD | wc -l`
>> spam=`expr $spam + 0`
>> cat /var/log/qsheff.log>> /var/log/qsheff.log-head.cumulative
>> #echo -n> /var/log/qsheff.log
>> echo $spam # As MRTG in
>> echo
>> #!/bin/sh
>> #
>> # Produces mrtg values
>> #
>> # -b$, Fri Dec  3 14:25:05 EET 2004
>> #
>> spam=`cat /var/log/qsheff.log | grep SPAM | wc -l`
>> spam=`expr $spam + 0`
>> cat /var/log/qsheff.log>> /var/log/qsheff.log-spam.cumulative
>> #echo -n> /var/log/qsheff.log
>> echo $spam # As MRTG in
>> echo
>> #!/bin/sh
>> #
>> # Produces mrtg values
>> #
>> # -b$, Fri Dec  3 14:25:05 EET 2004
>> #
>> spam=`cat /var/log/qsheff.log | grep SUBJ | wc -l`
>> spam=`expr $spam + 0`
>> cat /var/log/qsheff.log>> /var/log/qsheff.log-subj.cumulative
>> #echo -n> /var/log/qsheff.log
>> echo $spam # As MRTG in
>> echo
>> #!/bin/sh
>> #
>> # Produces mrtg values
>> #
>> # -b$, Fri Dec  3 14:25:05 EET 2004
>> #
>> spam=`cat /var/log/qsheff.log | grep VIRUS | wc -l`
>> spam=`expr $spam + 0`
>> cat /var/log/qsheff.log>> /var/log/qsheff.log-virus.cumulative
>> echo -n> /var/log/qsheff.log
>> echo $spam # As MRTG in
>> echo
>> # cat qsheff-mrtg.cfg
>> WorkDir: /usr/local/www/apache22/data/qsheff-stats
>> #############################################################
>> Title[spam]: Rejected Messages
>> MaxBytes[spam]: 10000
>> AbsMax[spam]: 20000
>> Options[spam]: gauge
>> Target[spam]: `/usr/local/etc/qsheff-II/qsheff-mrtg-spam.sh`
>> PageTop[spam]: Spam
>> ShortLegend[spam]: spam
>> YLegend[spam]: spam/hour
>> Legend1[spam]: Total Filtered Subject 
>> LegendI[spam]: Body Spam: 
>> LegendO[spam]: Subject Spam: 
>> WithPeak[spam]: ymwd
>> XSize[spam]: 350
>> YSize[spam]: 150
>> #############################################################
>> Title[subj]: Rejected Messages
>> MaxBytes[subj]: 10000
>> AbsMax[subj]: 20000
>> Options[subj]: gauge
>> Target[subj]: `/usr/local/etc/qsheff-II/qsheff-mrtg-subj.sh`
>> PageTop[subj]: Spam
>> ShortLegend[subj]: subj
>> YLegend[subj]: subj/hour
>> Legend1[subj]: Total Filtered Subject 
>> LegendI[subj]: Body Spam: 
>> LegendO[subj]: Subject Spam: 
>> WithPeak[subj]: ymwd
>> XSize[subj]: 350
>> YSize[subj]: 150
>> #############################################################
>> Title[head]: Rejected Messages
>> MaxBytes[head]: 10000
>> AbsMax[head]: 20000
>> Options[head]: gauge
>> Target[head]: `/usr/local/etc/qsheff-II/qsheff-mrtg-head.sh`
>> PageTop[head]: Spam
>> ShortLegend[head]: head
>> YLegend[head]: head/hour
>> Legend1[head]: Total Filtered Subject 
>> LegendI[head]: Body Spam: 
>> LegendO[head]: Subject Spam: 
>> WithPeak[head]: ymwd
>> XSize[head]: 350
>> YSize[head]: 150
>> #############################################################
>> Title[virus]: Rejected Messages
>> MaxBytes[virus]: 10000
>> AbsMax[virus]: 20000
>> Options[virus]: gauge
>> Target[virus]: `/usr/local/etc/qsheff-II/qsheff-mrtg-virus.sh`
>> PageTop[virus]: Spam
>> ShortLegend[virus]: virus
>> YLegend[virus]: virus/hour
>> Legend1[virus]: Total Filtered Subject 
>> LegendI[virus]: Body Spam: 
>> LegendO[virus]: Subject Spam: 
>> WithPeak[virus]: ymwd
>> XSize[virus]: 350
>> YSize[virus]: 150
>> From: mehmet celik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 7:12 PM
>> To: freebsd@lists.enderunix.org
>> Subject: RE: [FreeBSD] qsheff ve mrtg
>>     Merhaba Mesut Bey, MRTG uygulamasi "Target" bolumunde belirtilen
> opsiyona bagli olarak aldigi integer bir deger uzerinden grafiklerini
> Baslangic degeri "0"'dir ve surekli olarak artalan bir integer dizgisine
> sahiptir.
>>     Simdi sizin probleminize gelirsek;
>> Target[spam]: `/usr/local/etc/qsheff-II/qsheff-mrtg.sh`
>>     boyle bir kodun calistirilmasi durumunda MRTG'ye asagidaki
> integer'lari input etmis oluyorsunuz.
>> echo $subj # As MRTG in
>> echo $head # As MRTG head
>> echo $virus # As MRTG virus
>> echo $spam # As MRTG out
>>     MRTG bu degerlerden hangisini kullanacagini belirleyemez !!! Bu
> grafikler bos cikiyor. Yukaridaki 4 integer (echo $subj) deger icin ayri
> ayri kod calistirip bunlara ayri ayri "Target" belirtirseniz, sorununuz
> duzelecektir..
>> Target[spam]:`/usr/...../qsheff-mrtg-subj.sh`     =>  Sadece "echo subj"
>> Target[spam]:`/usr/...../qsheff-mrtg-head.sh`    =>  Sadece "echo head"
>> Bu sekilde 4 tane birbirinden bagimsiz script'in verdigi degerler, MRTG
> icin input olarak kullanilacaktir..
>> --
>> Mehmet CELIK
>> ________________________________
>> To: freebsd@lists.enderunix.org
>> Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 14:21:54 +0200
>> Subject: [FreeBSD] qsheff ve mrtg
>> Qsheff uygulamasının mrtg çıktılarını gösterebilen bir qsheff-mrtg
> uygulaması vardı. Ancak qsheff gelişirken bu uygulama zaman olmaması vs
> sebeplerden dolayı geliştirilememiş ve qsheff in en son versiyonuna
> uyarlanamamıştı. Mrtg konusunda hiç bir bilgim malesef yok. Ancak bunu
> uylamayı kullanabilmek adına bir kaç çabam oldu. Ve ilgili dosyaları
> editledim. Ancak başarılı sonuçlar alamadım. İlgili dosyalar aşağıdaki
> şekilde. Grafikler oluşuyor ancak bomboşlar. Hata nerede. Yardımcı
> misiniz? Ayrıca her bir konu için html dosyası oluşuyor ancak index.html
> yok.
>> # pwd
>> /usr/local/etc/qsheff-II
>> # cat qsheff-mrtg.sh
>> #!/bin/sh
>> #
>> # Produces mrtg values
>> #
>> # -b$, Fri Dec  3 14:25:05 EET 2004
>> #
>> subj=`cat /var/log/qsheff.log | grep SUBJ | wc -l`
>> head=`cat /var/log/qsheff.log | grep HEADER | wc -l`
>> virus=`cat /var/log/qsheff.log | grep VIRUS | wc -l`
>> spam=`cat /var/log/qsheff.log | grep SPAM | wc -l`
>> subj=`expr $subj + 0`
>> head=`expr $head + 0`
>> virus=`expr $virus + 0`
>> spam=`expr $spam + 0`
>> cat /var/log/qsheff.log>> /var/log/qsheff.log.cumulative
>> echo -n> /var/log/qsheff.log
>> echo $subj # As MRTG in
>> echo $head # As MRTG head
>> echo $virus # As MRTG virus
>> echo $spam # As MRTG out
>> echo
>> # cat qsheff-mrtg.cfg
>> WorkDir: /usr/local/www/apache22/data/qsheff-stats
>> #############################################################
>> Title[spam]: Rejected Messages
>> MaxBytes[spam]: 10000
>> AbsMax[spam]: 20000
>> Options[spam]: gauge
>> Target[spam]: `/usr/local/etc/qsheff-II/qsheff-mrtg.sh`
>> PageTop[spam]: Spam
>> ShortLegend[spam]: spam
>> YLegend[spam]: spam/hour
>> Legend1[spam]: Total Filtered Subject 
>> LegendI[spam]: Body Spam: 
>> LegendO[spam]: Subject Spam: 
>> WithPeak[spam]: ymwd
>> XSize[spam]: 350
>> YSize[spam]: 150
>> #############################################################
>> Title[virus]: Rejected Messages
>> MaxBytes[virus]: 10000
>> AbsMax[virus]: 20000
>> Options[virus]: gauge
>> Target[virus]: `/usr/local/etc/qsheff-II/qsheff-mrtg.sh`
>> PageTop[virus]: Virus
>> ShortLegend[virus]: virus
>> YLegend[virus]: virus/hour
>> Legend1[virus]: Total Filtered Subject 
>> LegendI[virus]: Body Virus: 
>> LegendO[virus]: Subject Virus: 
>> WithPeak[virus]: ymwd
>> XSize[virus]: 350
>> YSize[virus]: 150
>> #############################################################
>> Title[subj]: Rejected Messages
>> MaxBytes[subj]: 10000
>> AbsMax[subj]: 20000
>> Options[subj]: gauge
>> Target[subj]: `/usr/local/etc/qsheff-II/qsheff-mrtg.sh`
>> PageTop[subj]: Subj
>> ShortLegend[subj]: subj
>> YLegend[subj]: subj/hour
>> Legend1[subj]: Total Filtered Subject 
>> LegendI[subj]: Body Subj: 
>> LegendO[subj]: Subject Subj: 
>> WithPeak[subj]: ymwd
>> XSize[subj]: 350
>> YSize[subj]: 150
>> #############################################################
>> Title[head]: Rejected Messages
>> MaxBytes[head]: 10000
>> AbsMax[head]: 20000
>> Options[head]: gauge
>> Target[head]: `/usr/local/etc/qsheff-II/qsheff-mrtg.sh`
>> PageTop[head]: Head
>> ShortLegend[head]: head
>> YLegend[head]: head/hour
>> Legend1[head]: Total Filtered Headect 
>> LegendI[head]: Body Head: 
>> LegendO[head]: Subject Head: 
>> WithPeak[head]: ymwd
>> XSize[head]: 350
>> YSize[head]: 150
>> İyi çalışmalar...
>> Mesut GÜLNAZ
>> ________________________________
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