Author: jtn
Date: Sat Mar 14 18:04:28 2015
New Revision: 28551

Fix pluralisation issue in technology help.

Reported by Konstantin Vedeneev (konved@gna).

See gna bug #23333.


Modified: branches/S2_4/client/helpdata.c
--- branches/S2_4/client/helpdata.c     (original)
+++ branches/S2_4/client/helpdata.c     Sat Mar 14 18:04:28 2015
@@ -2351,22 +2351,34 @@
   if (player_invention_state(pplayer, i) != TECH_KNOWN) {
     if (player_invention_state(pplayer, i) == TECH_PREREQS_KNOWN) {
+      int bulbs = base_total_bulbs_required(pplayer, i);
       cat_snprintf(buf, bufsz,
-                  _("Starting now, researching %s would need %d bulbs."),
-                  advance_name_for_player(pplayer, i),
-                  base_total_bulbs_required(pplayer, i));
+                  PL_("Starting now, researching %s would need %d bulb.",
+                       "Starting now, researching %s would need %d bulbs.",
+                       bulbs),
+                  advance_name_for_player(pplayer, i), bulbs);
     } else if (player_invention_reachable(pplayer, i, TRUE)) {
+      /* Split string into two to allow localization of two pluralizations. */
+      char buf2[MAX_LEN_MSG];
+      int bulbs = total_bulbs_required_for_goal(pplayer, i);
+      fc_snprintf(buf2, ARRAY_SIZE(buf2),
+                  /* TRANS: appended to another sentence. Preserve the
+                   * leading space. */
+                  PL_(" The whole project will require %d bulb to complete.",
+                      " The whole project will require %d bulbs to complete.",
+                      bulbs),
+                  bulbs);
       cat_snprintf(buf, bufsz,
+                   /* TRANS: last %s is a sentence pluralized separately. */
                    PL_("To reach %s you need to obtain %d other"
-                       " technology first. The whole project"
-                       " will require %d bulbs to complete.",
+                       " technology first.%s",
                        "To reach %s you need to obtain %d other"
-                       " technologies first. The whole project"
-                       " will require %d bulbs to complete.",
+                       " technologies first.%s",
                        num_unknown_techs_for_goal(pplayer, i) - 1),
                   advance_name_for_player(pplayer, i),
-                  num_unknown_techs_for_goal(pplayer, i) - 1,
-                  total_bulbs_required_for_goal(pplayer, i));
+                  num_unknown_techs_for_goal(pplayer, i) - 1, buf2);
     } else {
       CATLSTR(buf, bufsz,
              _("You cannot research this technology."));
@@ -2374,6 +2386,8 @@
     if (!techs_have_fixed_costs()
      && player_invention_reachable(pplayer, i, FALSE)) {
       CATLSTR(buf, bufsz,
+              /* TRANS: Appended to another sentence. Preserve the
+               * leading space. */
              _(" This number may vary depending on what "
                "other players research.\n"));
     } else {

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