<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=35656 >


Christian Knoke            * * *            http://cknoke.de
* * * * * * * * *  Ceterum censeo Microsoft esse dividendum.

Script wurde gestartet: Sa 10 Feb 2007 22:35:54 CET
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ gdb civserver -core core

GNU gdb 6.3-debian

Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are

welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions.

Type "show copying" to see the conditions.

There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type "show warranty" for details.

This GDB was configured as "i386-linux"...Using host libthread_db library 

Core was generated by `civserver -p 5557 -q 1 -e --saves ~/.freeciv/saves'.

Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.

warning: current_sos: Can't read pathname for load map: Eingabe-/Ausgabefehler

Reading symbols from /lib/libreadline.so.5...done.

Loaded symbols for /lib/libreadline.so.5

Reading symbols from /lib/tls/libm.so.6...done.

Loaded symbols for /lib/tls/libm.so.6

Reading symbols from /usr/lib/libz.so.1...done.

Loaded symbols for /usr/lib/libz.so.1

Reading symbols from /lib/tls/libc.so.6...done.

Loaded symbols for /lib/tls/libc.so.6

Reading symbols from /lib/libncurses.so.5...done.

Loaded symbols for /lib/libncurses.so.5

Reading symbols from /lib/ld-linux.so.2...done.

Loaded symbols for /lib/ld-linux.so.2

Reading symbols from /lib/tls/libnss_files.so.2...done.

Loaded symbols for /lib/tls/libnss_files.so.2

#0  0x08079ac1 in send_tile_info (dest=0x89bd3dc, ptile=0x89ad5b8) at 

495           info.type = plrtile->terrain->index;

(gdb) bt full

#0  0x08079ac1 in send_tile_info (dest=0x89bd3dc, ptile=0x89ad5b8) at 

        plrtile = (struct player_tile *) 0x89bd3dc

        pplayer = (struct player *) 0x89bd3dc

        spe = S_ROAD

        myiter = (struct genlist_link *) 0x0

        pconn = (struct connection *) 0x81a6200

        info = {x = 1, y = 11, type = -1073744392, known = 1, special = {184, 
213, 154, 8, 76, 212, 39, 8, 248, 

    245, 255}, resource = 134720142, owner = 255, continent = -11188, 

  spec_sprite = "\000\bøõÿ¿è¯\a\b¸Õ\232\bLÔ'\b(öÿ¿y\236\a\bLÔ'\b¸Õ"}

#1  0x08079f86 in map_fog_tile (pplayer=0x827d44c, ptile=0x89ad5b8, 
vlayer=V_MAIN) at maphand.c:636

        pplayer2 = (struct player *) 0x827d44c

        PI_p_itr = 0

#2  0x0807a25e in map_refog_circle (pplayer=0x827d44c, ptile=0x89ae9f8, 
old_radius_sq=5, new_radius_sq=-1, 

    can_reveal_tiles=false, vlayer=V_MAIN) at maphand.c:692

        dr = 0

        _cr_radius = 2

        max_radius = 5

#3  0x0807cef1 in vision_change_sight (vision=0x83cde88, vlayer=V_MAIN, 
radius_sq=-1) at maphand.c:1750

No locals.

#4  0x0807cf7d in vision_clear_sight (vision=0x83cde88) at maphand.c:1768

No locals.

#5  0x0806b3f4 in remove_city (pcity=0x898cdc0) at citytools.c:1160

        myiter = (struct genlist_link *) 0x0

        pconn = (struct connection *) 0x0

        o = 0

        pplayer = (struct player *) 0x827d44c

        ptile = (struct tile *) 0x89ae9f8

        had_small_wonders = {vec = '\0' <repeats 24 times>}

        city_name = 0x84a1480 "Mazar-e Sharif"

        old_vision = (struct vision *) 0x83cde88

        id = 130

#6  0x0806be2f in handle_unit_enter_city (punit=0x898cdcc, pcity=0x898cdc0) at 

        do_civil_war = false

        coins = 144266912

        pplayer = (struct player *) 0x8283104

        cplayer = (struct player *) 0x827d44c

#7  0x08066260 in handle_unit_move_consequences (punit=0x84ae6e0, 
src_tile=0x89af418, dst_tile=0x89ae9f8)

    at unittools.c:2597

        fromcity = (struct city *) 0x0

        tocity = (struct city *) 0x898cdc0

---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---

        homecity = (struct city *) 0x89956a0

        pplayer = (struct player *) 0x8283104

        refresh_homecity = false

#8  0x08066a01 in move_unit (punit=0x84ae6e0, pdesttile=0x89ae9f8, move_cost=1) 
at unittools.c:2856

        pplayer = (struct player *) 0x5

        PI_p_itr = 3

        pplayer = (struct player *) 0x8283104

        psrctile = (struct tile *) 0x89af418

        pcity = (struct city *) 0x0

        ptransporter = (struct unit *) 0x0

        old_vision = (struct vision *) 0x846a8a8

#9  0x080a4809 in handle_unit_move_request (punit=0x84ae6e0, 
pdesttile=0x89ae9f8, igzoc=false, 

    move_diplomat_city=false) at unithand.c:1139

        move_cost = 0

        pplayer = (struct player *) 0x8283104

        pcity = (struct city *) 0x898cdc0

#10 0x0811d372 in ai_unit_attack (punit=0x84ae6e0, ptile=0x89ae9f8) at 

        bodyguard = (struct unit *) 0x0

        sanity = 197

        alive = 248

#11 0x0811bf2c in ai_unit_execute_path (punit=0x84ae6e0, path=0x84d0868) at 

        ptile = (struct tile *) 0x89ae9f8

        id = 197

        is_ai = true

        i = 1

#12 0x0811ee96 in ai_military_rampage (punit=0x84ae6e0, thresh_adj=1, 
thresh_move=1) at aiunit.c:694

        count = 3

        path = (struct pf_path *) 0x84d0868

#13 0x081212da in ai_military_attack (pplayer=0x8283104, punit=0x84ae6e0) at 

        dest_tile = (struct tile *) 0xbffff9c8

        id = 197

        ct = 10

        pcity = (struct city *) 0xa

        start_tile = (struct tile *) 0x89af418

#14 0x08121a67 in ai_manage_military (pplayer=0x8283104, punit=0x84ae6e0) at 

        id = 197

#15 0x08122087 in ai_manage_unit (pplayer=0x8283104, punit=0x84ae6e0) at 

        bodyguard = (struct unit *) 0x8184611

#16 0x081224b6 in ai_manage_units (pplayer=0x8283104) at aiunit.c:2282

        punit = (struct unit *) 0x0

---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---

        _ids = 0xbffffa3c

        _i = 10

        _size = 15

#17 0x081162a0 in ai_do_first_activities (pplayer=0x8283104) at aihand.c:425

No locals.

#18 0x08050bdb in ai_start_phase () at srv_main.c:536

        pplayer = (struct player *) 0x8283104

        i = 0

#19 0x08050e36 in begin_phase (is_new_phase=true) at srv_main.c:667

        pplayer = (struct player *) 0x82802a8

        i = 3

#20 0x08052b6d in main_loop () at srv_main.c:1644

        eot_timer = (struct timer *) 0x84d2558

        save_counter = 1

        is_new_turn = true

#21 0x08052d5a in srv_main () at srv_main.c:1770

        pplayer = (struct player *) 0x0

        PI_p_itr = 0

#22 0x0804aacb in main (argc=135617486, argv=0xbffffc14) at civserver.c:256

        inx = 8

        showhelp = false

        showvers = false

        option = 0x5 <Address 0x5 out of bounds>


Script beendet: Sa 10 Feb 2007 22:36:15 CET
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