<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=39330 >

This is a tough bug.  Looks to me like this is at the heart of a deeper
problem where shared vision does not correctly handle vision layers or
seen_count.  Perhaps someday it would be appropriate to go through and
rewrite shared vision so that it physically shares all vision sources
between targets rather than sharing tiles directly.

For the immediate bug, the problem is that a player tile is being marked
as known (in map_set_known most likely) but the terrain for that tile is
not being set (remaining NULL).  Offhand I cannot see how this can happen.

really_give_tile_info_from_player_to_player is very suspicious however.

Is there really no way to reproduce this?

Best bet might be to add some more assertions in for now.


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