<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=39346 >

Comparing 2.1 beta 4 to 2.0, 2.1 looks better because of changed
drawing code. 2.1 has smoohter edges and looks better.

Significan is however the big regression in drawing performance
between 2.0 and 2.1. In 2.1, right-clicking around to move the map is
painfully slow compared to 2.0 (where it is adequately quick!).

I think this should be treated like a regression. Just like we have a
checkbox for "Better for of war drawing", please instate a toggle for
"dithering" (or otherwise smooth graphics), if that can improve
drawing performance. it would be greatly appreciated.

For me 2.1 is a great step forward, also in usability all around.
Graphics is nothing compared to this, and because of that I would like
2.1 to be as snappy as 2.0 (with amplio)

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