<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=39367 >

So, in debugging my other recent reports, I tried verbose logging, and
found a fair number of things were logged.  Here's a sampling, most
seem to be spelling or capitalization errors.

3: Civil war nation aborigines for nation Australian not defined.
3: Civil war nation newzealand for nation British not defined.
3: Civil war nation phoenecian for nation Carthaginian not defined.
3: Civil war nation venezuelan for nation Colombian not defined.
3: Civil war nation venezuelan for nation Cuban not defined.
3: Civil war nation byzantium for nation Greek not defined.
3: Civil war nation newzealand for nation Maori not defined.
3: Civil war nation lithuaninan for nation Soviet not defined.
3: Civil war nation venezuelan for nation Spanish not defined.
3: Nation Venezuela: government Fundamentalism not found
3: Civil war nation southafrican for nation Zulu not defined.

The Venezuela nation exists!

3: Unused entries in file data/default/nations.ruleset:
3:   unused entry: nation_barbarian.is_observer
3:   unused entry: nation_bosnia.ciwilwar_nations
3:   unused entry: nation_bosnia.ciwilwar_nations,1
3:   unused entry: nation_texan.conflicting_nations
3:   unused entry: nation_texan.conflicting_nations,1

That's probably civil instead of ciwil!

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