<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=39342 >

On 5/16/07, William Allen Simpson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Given how much FoW you usually have, this will make your real borders
> > really hard to visualize and plan with respect to.
> >
> > I do not really see a good and simple fix to this issue. We need to change
> > the way either borders or the problematic map updates are done to make
> > them consistent with each other.
> >
> Now, I have run into this problem, too.
> Here's my suggestion:
> 1. Foreign borders aren't "tile features" of the map, they are political.
> 2. When near a border with a unit, the border will appear, even when
> you haven't seen the city that created it.  It's not the place itself,
> it's the workers, travelers, and minstrels that tell you about it.
> 3. When the border is no longer near, it should disappear after some
> number of turns (1 turn would be very easy to code).

So this is like today, only that you forget borders after a turn if
you do not see the border source? It is actually rather complicated,
and it does not answer my worry above that it will make borders hard
to visualize, due to the prevalence of FoW.

  - Per

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