<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=39407 >

I think I have found a bug in the autogen.sh shell script. I am working on a
translation, and I downloaded the 2.0.9 branch and tried to run autogen.sh,
but it failed. It complained that ALL_LINGUAS contained nb, but it couldn't
find nb.po in the po directory.

I edited configure.ac, and removed nb from the variable ALL_LINGUAS, and
then autogen.sh ran smoothly.

Later, I have found out that you can do "make nb.po" in the "po" directory
and nb.po gets created (as a copy of no.po). But it's kind of a chicken and
egg problem. You can't make nb.po because the Makefile hasn't been
generated, and you can't generate the Makefile because autogen checks for



I think I have found a bug in the autogen.sh shell script. I am working on a translation, and I downloaded the 2.0.9 branch and tried to run autogen.sh, but it failed. It complained that ALL_LINGUAS contained nb, but it couldn't find nb.po in the po directory.

I edited configure.ac, and removed nb from the variable ALL_LINGUAS, and then autogen.sh ran smoothly.

Later, I have found out that you can do "make nb.po" in the "po" directory and nb.po gets created (as a copy of no.po). But it's kind of a chicken and egg problem. You can't make nb.po because the Makefile hasn't been generated, and you can't generate the Makefile because autogen checks for nb.po.


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