<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=39477 >

Michael Fay wrote:
> I am unable to get any tileset to work with the current svn version 
> (13132).
All the included tilesets are working here....

> With Amplio
Including Amplio, at this very moment.

>>1: tilespec file appears incompatible:
>>file: "./amplio.tilespec"
>>file options: +tilespec4.2007.Jul.13
> If the options line is modified, then get:
>>0: sectionfile ./amplio.tilespec doesn't contain a 'layer0.match_style' 
> entry
> If at line 100 and 104 I added
> match_style = "BOOL"
> then get
>>1: No terrain types supported by tileset.
> Am now stuck.
The trunk tilespec added new features again on Jul.31.  Please look at
the copious messages on this list, included at the nice website.

The amplio tilespec doesn't need any more modifications to run, all the
changes have already been made, and are distributed from svn.

Are you sure you installed correctly?

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