<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=39642 >

On Fri, 31 Aug 2007 Marko Lindqvist wrote:

>  Changing translatable strings in stable branch is bad. So we don't do
> it for minor things like typofixes.
>  We can't help those typos etc appearing when gettext is not used, or
> there is no translation in used language. But we could at least
> provide typofixed 'translation' as en_US.po.
>  That po would need translation only to those couple of strings we
> don't want to use in their current default form.
>  Opinions?

One moment/problem: original string is shown if untranslated for _any_

Keeping strings unchangeable should never become a target in itself.
We're afraid that people will not correct translation after release?
But what is current statistics on .po-files? Only several full translated
files... Rather than moratoring changing, it is better (IMHO) to
create good mechanism to tell a translator what was changed (in i18n/l10n)
between two versions (or, even better, since last .po modify date.)

I'm not against en_US.po, but I don't see much perspective...

Thanks, evyscr

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