<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=10284 >

> [evyscr - Mon Jan 23 17:17:10 2006]:
> > [evyscr - Oct 24 07:31:23 2005]:
> >
> > > [evyscr - Sep 23 20:12:58 2004]:
> > > It would be nice to see FAQ file in freeciv distribution, wouldn't it?
> New version.
> * uses lynx instead of links
> * writes numbers at answers
> Generated text also available at
> http://evyscr.murom.net/freeciv/my/scripts/FAQ
> Opinions/suggestions?
> PS I'm not a perl coder, so if^Wwhen you see errors/stupidity/etc,
> please, give a right variant too :)

Looks good to me!

Actually, I'd prefer if most of the documents in doc/ were generated
from wiki pages. It would be far more convenient to maintain all
documentation in wiki and then generate plaintext versions to be
distributed right before a release is made.


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