<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=18280 >

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Mar. Jul. 04 08:10:11 2006]:
>    1. No units can move southeast or southwest using the keyboard.
>    Movement can be accomplished using the mouse for all units but
> aircraft
>    which can't target a location where they can't stay.
>    2. Aircraft should be able to attack using an enemy city click.
> This
>    feature worked well in earlier versions and eliminated the need to
> check for
>    sufficient fuel to fly to the target

See PR#20772

>    3. The production area on the city overviews is not visible once
> some
>    production has taken place. One must go to the production tab to
> see what is
>    being produced and how far along it is.

Seems fixed now.

>    4. A Trade tab, which used to exist, would be useful

I agree, this is a loss for Freeciv, maybe it needs to think on a future

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