<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=35075 >

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Ven. Fév. 02 15:06:04 2007]:
> Hi!
> Here a few more bugs:
> - an AI-controlled player requests me to declare war upon a player
> which is already dead

There is already a other ticket for this (see PR#30442).

> - the game mostly crashes when I want to check something in the
> civilopedia (especially technologies, e.g. mysticism or democracy)
> - the civilopedia sometimes (or always?) confuses a wonder's
> requirement tech with its obsolence tech (e.g. the hanging gardens
> become obsolete with pottery)

This problems should be fixed now.

> can't wait for the stable version any more :-)
> alec
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Thank you for your report.

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