<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=39880 >

On Nov 22, 2007 12:54 PM, Daniel Markstedt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have been running the game in OS X and on BootCamp Windows XP. In
> > Leopard it first has to run X11 (which I do know is not your guys's
> > problem). But on a Mac it looks wrong. The attached file is a pic. of
> > what it looks like in Leopard. I have not changed the pic. The arrows
> > are really cyan.
> >
> This looks like a bug in the theme and/or theme engine. After the game
> has started, try going to Game>Local Options>Theme and change to
> another theme in the dropdown.

I can confirm that this had happened on Mac OS X for me as well, don't
know what made it look like that. It also happens when you run it on
Linux under Xvnc, but works good otherwise. I run the vnc server with
"Xvnc4 :0 -PasswordFile  .vnc/passwd"  ( you need to run vncpasswd
first, and launch an xterm on that display)


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