<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=16811 >

Daniel Markstedt wrote:

> freeciv.org: Our own aging servers in Paul's basement. Are they up to
> the task? 

To be avoided.

> sourceforge.net: The question was if bugzilla could run on SF.net webspace?

Would be nice.

> icculus.org: IIRC, this was Per's contact. Status?
> seul.org: IIRC, this was Egor's contact. Status?

Is that any better than freeciv.org?

What about GNA?


To me the biggest issue is carrying over the bug database.  Not that 
this is a show-stopper since it's clear that RT is not going to last 
forever and the longer we wait the worst the problem there will get - 
but, as RT is a simple database and bugzilla (or whatever) is a simple 
database it really shouldn't be too hard to transfer the whole thing over.


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