<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=40028 >

Some translated strings show "garbage" characters when the client (branch
S2_2) runs under LANG=fr_FR. In particular if you try to connect to a non-
existant server (e.g. then after failure the text in the network
status bar will contain the string "Aucun chemin d'acc?s pour...", i.e. accented
characters appear as '?' and gtk/pango complains about invalid utf8. I am
guessing that it is a small mistake on the part of the french translation main-
tainer(s), and could be easily rectified by using only utf8 in translations. But
I am not very knowledgable as far as the native language support system in
freeciv is concerned, perhaps you can help me to understand it better.

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