On 1/22/08, Egor Vyscrebentsov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Good daytime!
> In some languages (f.e. russian) there are 4 genders for adjectives.
> For example:
> Polish territory - польская (polskaya) территория;
> Polish diplomat - польский (polskiy) дипломат;
> polish unit - польское (polskoye) соединение;
> Polish musketeers - польские (polskiye) мушкетёры.
> Is there any possibility to allow to use all of them?
> (I think that this require new X_() macro and convention about number
> of genders in *.nation. I'm afraid this problem couldn't be solved
> by gettext now...)
> PS. A long time ago i tried to wrote a proof of solution that used
> gettext plurals. It was very ugly and ineffective...
> PPS. I don't speak about cases, those case is really a monster.

Swedish would need three forms of adjectives: neuter, common, and plural.

Following Egor's examples:
Polish territory - polskt territorium (neuter)
Polish diplomat - polsk diplomat (common)
Polish musketeers - polska musketörer (plural)

There are some very ugly workarounds in place right now, including
loads of slashes with all the potentially required suffix letters.

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