<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=39777 >

On 14/10/2007, Christian Knoke  wrote:
>  ~$ civclient -- --help
>  The last line (for bug reports) should appear in the output of
>  ~$ civclient --help
>  instead! At the current place, no one will find it.

 Attached patch adds bug address to client common side. It's not
removed from gui-specific help.

 - ML

diff -Nurd -X.diff_ignore freeciv/client/civclient.c freeciv/client/civclient.c
--- freeciv/client/civclient.c	2008-03-08 16:13:03.000000000 +0200
+++ freeciv/client/civclient.c	2008-04-06 15:12:46.000000000 +0300
@@ -269,6 +269,9 @@
       fc_fprintf(stderr, _("      --\t\t"
 			   "Pass any following options to the UI.\n"
 			   "\t\t\tTry \"%s -- --help\" for more.\n"), argv[0]);
+      fc_fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+      /* TRANS: No full stop after the URL, could cause confusion. */
+      fc_fprintf(stderr, _("Report bugs at %s\n"), BUG_URL);
     } else if (is_option("--version",argv[i])) {
       fc_fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n", freeciv_name_version(), client_string);
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