<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=39965 >

On 13/12/2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
>  I noticed that savegames using no compression (level 0) and savegames using 
> compression (at least the default level 6) use completely different line end 
> whitespace, and so the the two files yield more "differences" than content.

 Cannot reproduce.

 Saving same game with all three different compresstypes (none, gzip,
and bzip2), uncompressing gzip and bzip2 saves with external tools and
then comparing md5sums of all the files shows no differences.

>  Or perhaps WinRar is doing this to me... i dunno ;)

You use WinRar to uncompress savegames? I suspect it's adding Windows
-style linefeeds.

Closing ticket.

 - ML

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