<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=39879 >

> [wsimpson - Mon Nov 26 14:42:54 2007]:
> Michaël wrote:
> > .... this
> > crashed occured between sebvm 2 and sebvm 3, and two times (after 
> > reconnecting i tryed at once to do the same thing and the crash occured 
> > in this same way)
> > 
> I've looked at all the files, and French did not have an AWACS nor the
> technology to build one in 2 or 3.  I checked them all, and none of the
> files have an AWACS.  Since you are not running the server, I know it's
> hard to get the correct saved game.
> I also tested Russian intelligence in +1738, and had no crash.
> I re-tested PR#23961 AWACS, and had no problem with patrol to a city,
> nor between cities.
> I invite you to try our most recent release, and let us know whether the
> problems are fixed for you!
>    ftp://ftp.freeciv.org/freeciv/stable/freeciv-2.1.1.tar.bz2

I was able to reproduce this bug on the Mac OSX 2.1.3 [vanilla] client.

The situation was using an ordinary fighter plane (re

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