<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=40244 >

I'm an Italian young researcher.
I had really nice time playing the game and I'd like to share some ideas
could help out.
In my opinion it could be fantastic to increase the specialization of each
Would ask why you didnt implement civ specific qualities like the commercial
version; it could be nice to have dinamic civ qualities, improving during
the game depending on the player choices. Another thing I'll tell you about
the tech tree, I could write down a totally new tech tree, more funny and
something more that can make the game more than a bad copy of the meier's
one; or simply share some ideas to improve the existing tree. My opinion is
that the game should aimed to fullfill different strategies, a more complex
tree will help this approch and make every game a very unique game. If you
are interested I could send u some nice examples of features, the game is
great and you have all my support. At the end can u tell me in which files
of the source code the tech tree is developed?

¤ acM ¤

I'm an Italian young researcher.
I had really nice time playing the game and I'd like to share some ideas
could help out.
In my opinion it could be fantastic to increase the specialization of each
Would ask why you didnt implement civ specific qualities like the commercial
version; it could be nice to have dinamic civ qualities, improving during
the game depending on the player choices. Another thing I'll tell you about
the tech tree, I could write down a totally new tech tree, more funny and
something more that can make the game more than a bad copy of the meier's
one; or simply share some ideas to improve the existing tree. My opinion is
that the game should aimed to fullfill different strategies, a more complex
tree will help this approch and make every game a very unique game. If you
are interested I could send u some nice examples of features, the game is
great and you have all my support. At the end can u tell me in which files
of the source code the tech tree is developed?

¤ acM ¤
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