<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=40282 >

 Forwarding to tracker so patch is not ignored and lost.

2008/6/10 Patrick Smith:
> Hi,
> The attached patch seems to fix some CMA problems when loading a saved game.
> The city report still indicates fairly random CMA choices for cities, but
> some messages about the governor being confused seem to have disappeared,
> and I can now set the governor as I wish after loading a game, which wasn't
> always possible before.

 Do you have instructions how to reliably reproduce the problem?
 It would be great if you have savegame from which this is
reproducible. Of course, due to nature of the problem, this might be
hard to get. It would require savegame which can be loaded ok, but
would, when saved and reloaded again, produce the buggy behavior.

 - ML

Attachment: patch
Description: Binary data

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