<URL: http://bugs.freeciv.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=40165 >

2008/3/24 Marko Lindqvist:
>  TERRAIN_XXX_IDENTIFIER definitions have to go, and terrains must be
> selected by properly checking their flags, ocean_depth -value, or what
> ever is appropriate for each case.

 Attached patch removes code that creates these special ocean types.
If such special features are needed in the future, they should be
reimplemented in a proper, generic, fashion.
 civ1 & civ2 rulesets have only one ocean type, default ruleset three
types; Lake, Ocean and Deep Ocean.

 - ML

diff -Nurd -X.diff_ignore freeciv/client/control.c freeciv/client/control.c
--- freeciv/client/control.c    2008-06-24 01:37:58.000000000 +0300
+++ freeciv/client/control.c    2008-06-30 21:01:55.000000000 +0300
@@ -2858,14 +2858,6 @@
-  Regenerate water.
-void key_editor_regenerate_water(void)
-  send_packet_edit_regenerate_water(&client.conn);
   Send a request to the server to toggle fog-of-war for the current
   player (only applies in edit mode).
diff -Nurd -X.diff_ignore freeciv/client/control.h freeciv/client/control.h
--- freeciv/client/control.h    2008-06-24 01:37:58.000000000 +0300
+++ freeciv/client/control.h    2008-06-30 21:02:04.000000000 +0300
@@ -194,7 +194,6 @@
 void key_editor_toggle(void);
 void key_editor_recalculate_borders(void);
-void key_editor_regenerate_water(void);
 void key_editor_toggle_fogofwar(void);
 /* don't change this unless you also put more entries in data/Freeciv */
diff -Nurd -X.diff_ignore freeciv/client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c 
--- freeciv/client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c   2008-06-24 01:37:56.000000000 +0300
+++ freeciv/client/gui-gtk-2.0/menu.c   2008-06-30 21:03:08.000000000 +0300
@@ -169,7 +169,6 @@
@@ -632,9 +631,6 @@
-    key_editor_regenerate_water();
-    break;
@@ -806,8 +802,6 @@
        editor_menu_callback, MENU_EDITOR_TOGGLE, "<CheckItem>" },
   { "/" N_("_Edit") "/" N_("Recalculate _Borders"), NULL,
        editor_menu_callback, MENU_EDITOR_RECALCULATE_BORDERS },
-  { "/" N_("_Edit") "/" N_("Regenerate _Water"), NULL,
-       editor_menu_callback, MENU_EDITOR_REGENERATE_WATER },
   { "/" N_("_Edit") "/" N_("Toggle Fog-of-war"), "<control>f",
        editor_menu_callback, MENU_EDITOR_TOGGLE_FOGOFWAR },
diff -Nurd -X.diff_ignore freeciv/common/packets.def freeciv/common/packets.def
--- freeciv/common/packets.def  2008-06-30 12:02:12.000000000 +0300
+++ freeciv/common/packets.def  2008-06-30 20:41:22.000000000 +0300
@@ -1427,9 +1427,6 @@
   BOOL state;
diff -Nurd -X.diff_ignore freeciv/common/terrain.h freeciv/common/terrain.h
--- freeciv/common/terrain.h    2008-06-28 20:49:38.000000000 +0300
+++ freeciv/common/terrain.h    2008-06-30 21:16:26.000000000 +0300
@@ -152,13 +152,7 @@
   char identifier; /* Single-character identifier used in savegames. */
   int movement_cost;
   int defense_bonus; /* % defense bonus - defaults to zero */
diff -Nurd -X.diff_ignore freeciv/data/civ1/terrain.ruleset 
--- freeciv/data/civ1/terrain.ruleset   2008-06-30 12:02:12.000000000 +0300
+++ freeciv/data/civ1/terrain.ruleset   2008-06-30 21:13:09.000000000 +0300
@@ -172,41 +172,6 @@
 ; helptext             = optional help text string; should escape all raw 
 ;                        newlines so that xgettext parsing works
-name                 = _("Sea")
-graphic              = "coast"
-graphic_alt          = "-"
-identifier           = "-"
-movement_cost        = 1
-defense_bonus        = 0
-food                 = 1
-shield               = 0
-trade                = 2
-resources            = "resource_fish"
-road_trade_incr      = 0
-road_time            = 0
-irrigation_result    = "no"
-irrigation_food_incr = 0
-irrigation_time      = 0
-mining_result        = "no"
-mining_shield_incr   = 0
-mining_time          = 0
-transform_result     = "no"
-transform_time       = 0
-warmer_wetter_result = "no"
-warmer_drier_result  = "no"
-cooler_wetter_result = "no"
-cooler_drier_result  = "no"
-native_to            = "Sea", "Air", "Missile"
-flags                = "Oceanic", "NoCities", "NoPollution"
-property_ocean_depth = 0
-helptext             = _("\
-Oceans cover much of the world, and only sea units (Triremes and\
- other boats) can travel on them.\
-Ocean squares can never be polluted or subjected to fallout.\
 name                 = _("Ocean")
 graphic              = "coast"
@@ -242,181 +207,6 @@
 Ocean squares can never be polluted or subjected to fallout.\
-name                 = _("?ocean:Shelf")
-graphic              = "shelf"
-graphic_alt          = "coast"
-identifier           = ","
-movement_cost        = 1
-defense_bonus        = 0
-food                 = 1
-shield               = 0
-trade                = 2
-resources            = "resource_fish"
-road_trade_incr      = 0
-road_time            = 0
-irrigation_result    = "no"
-irrigation_food_incr = 0
-irrigation_time      = 0
-mining_result        = "no"
-mining_shield_incr   = 0
-mining_time          = 0
-transform_result     = "no"
-transform_time       = 0
-warmer_wetter_result = "no"
-warmer_drier_result  = "no"
-cooler_wetter_result = "no"
-cooler_drier_result  = "no"
-native_to            = "Sea", "Air", "Missile"
-flags                = "Oceanic", "NoCities", "NoPollution", "UnsafeCoast"
-property_ocean_depth = 48
-helptext             = _("\
-Oceans cover much of the world, and only sea units (Triremes and\
- other boats) can travel on them.\
-Ocean squares can never be polluted or subjected to fallout.\
-name                 = _("Briny Deep")
-graphic              = "floor"
-graphic_alt          = "coast"
-identifier           = ":"
-movement_cost        = 1
-defense_bonus        = 0
-food                 = 1
-shield               = 0
-trade                = 2
-;resources            = "none"
-road_trade_incr      = 0
-road_time            = 0
-irrigation_result    = "no"
-irrigation_food_incr = 0
-irrigation_time      = 0
-mining_result        = "no"
-mining_shield_incr   = 0
-mining_time          = 0
-transform_result     = "no"
-transform_time       = 0
-warmer_wetter_result = "no"
-warmer_drier_result  = "no"
-cooler_wetter_result = "no"
-cooler_drier_result  = "no"
-native_to            = "Sea", "Air", "Missile"
-flags                = "Oceanic", "NoCities", "NoPollution", "UnsafeCoast"
-property_ocean_depth = 87
-helptext             = _("\
-Oceans cover much of the world, and only sea units (Triremes and\
- other boats) can travel on them.\
-Ocean squares can never be polluted or subjected to fallout.\
-name                 = _("?ocean:Abyss")
-graphic              = "trench"
-graphic_alt          = "coast"
-identifier           = ";"
-movement_cost        = 1
-defense_bonus        = 0
-food                 = 1
-shield               = 0
-trade                = 2
-;resources            = "none"
-road_trade_incr      = 0
-road_time            = 0
-irrigation_result    = "no"
-irrigation_food_incr = 0
-irrigation_time      = 0
-mining_result        = "no"
-mining_shield_incr   = 0
-mining_time          = 0
-transform_result     = "no"
-transform_time       = 0
-warmer_wetter_result = "no"
-warmer_drier_result  = "no"
-cooler_wetter_result = "no"
-cooler_drier_result  = "no"
-native_to            = "Sea", "Air", "Missile"
-flags                = "Oceanic", "NoCities", "NoPollution", "UnsafeCoast"
-property_ocean_depth = 99
-helptext             = _("\
-Oceans cover much of the world, and only sea units (Triremes and\
- other boats) can travel on them.\
-Ocean squares can never be polluted or subjected to fallout.\
-name                 = _("Oceanic Ridge")
-graphic              = "ridge"
-graphic_alt          = "coast"
-identifier           = "^"
-movement_cost        = 1
-defense_bonus        = 0
-food                 = 1
-shield               = 0
-trade                = 2
-;resources            = "none"
-road_trade_incr      = 0
-road_time            = 0
-irrigation_result    = "no"
-irrigation_food_incr = 0
-irrigation_time      = 0
-mining_result        = "no"
-mining_shield_incr   = 0
-mining_time          = 0
-transform_result     = "no"
-transform_time       = 0
-warmer_wetter_result = "no"
-warmer_drier_result  = "no"
-cooler_wetter_result = "no"
-cooler_drier_result  = "no"
-native_to            = "Sea", "Air", "Missile"
-flags                = "Oceanic", "NoCities", "NoPollution", "UnsafeCoast"
-property_ocean_depth = 36 ; same as coast, for now
-helptext             = _("\
-Oceans cover much of the world, and only sea units (Triremes and\
- other boats) can travel on them.\
-Ocean squares can never be polluted or subjected to fallout.\
-name                 = _("Oceanic Vent")
-graphic              = "vent"
-graphic_alt          = "coast"
-identifier           = "!"
-movement_cost        = 1
-defense_bonus        = 0
-food                 = 1
-shield               = 0
-trade                = 2
-;resources            = "none"
-road_trade_incr      = 0
-road_time            = 0
-irrigation_result    = "no"
-irrigation_food_incr = 0
-irrigation_time      = 0
-mining_result        = "no"
-mining_shield_incr   = 0
-mining_time          = 0
-transform_result     = "no"
-transform_time       = 0
-warmer_wetter_result = "no"
-warmer_drier_result  = "no"
-cooler_wetter_result = "no"
-cooler_drier_result  = "no"
-native_to            = "Sea", "Air", "Missile"
-flags                = "Oceanic", "NoCities", "NoPollution", "UnsafeCoast"
-property_ocean_depth = 36 ; same as ridge, not generated
-helptext             = _("\
-Oceans cover much of the world, and only sea units (Triremes and\
- other boats) can travel on them.\
-Ocean squares can never be polluted or subjected to fallout.\
 name                 = _("Arctic")
 graphic              = "arctic"
diff -Nurd -X.diff_ignore freeciv/data/civ2/terrain.ruleset 
--- freeciv/data/civ2/terrain.ruleset   2008-06-30 12:02:12.000000000 +0300
+++ freeciv/data/civ2/terrain.ruleset   2008-06-30 21:13:48.000000000 +0300
@@ -180,41 +180,6 @@
 ; helptext             = optional help text string; should escape all raw 
 ;                        newlines so that xgettext parsing works
-name                 = _("Sea")
-graphic              = "coast"
-graphic_alt          = "-"
-identifier           = "-"
-movement_cost        = 1
-defense_bonus        = 0
-food                 = 1
-shield               = 0
-trade                = 2
-resources            = "resource_fish"
-road_trade_incr      = 0
-road_time            = 0
-irrigation_result    = "no"
-irrigation_food_incr = 0
-irrigation_time      = 0
-mining_result        = "no"
-mining_shield_incr   = 0
-mining_time          = 0
-transform_result     = "no"
-transform_time       = 0
-warmer_wetter_result = "no"
-warmer_drier_result  = "no"
-cooler_wetter_result = "no"
-cooler_drier_result  = "no"
-native_to            = "Sea", "Air", "Missile", "Helicopter"
-flags                = "Oceanic", "NoCities", "NoPollution"
-property_ocean_depth = 0
-helptext             = _("\
-Oceans cover much of the world, and only sea units (Triremes and\
- other boats) can travel on them.\
-Ocean squares can never be polluted or subjected to fallout.\
 name                 = _("Ocean")
 graphic              = "coast"
@@ -250,181 +215,6 @@
 Ocean squares can never be polluted or subjected to fallout.\
-name                 = _("?ocean:Shelf")
-graphic              = "shelf"
-graphic_alt          = "coast"
-identifier           = ","
-movement_cost        = 1
-defense_bonus        = 0
-food                 = 1
-shield               = 0
-trade                = 2
-resources            = "resource_fish", "resource_whales"
-road_trade_incr      = 0
-road_time            = 0
-irrigation_result    = "no"
-irrigation_food_incr = 0
-irrigation_time      = 0
-mining_result        = "no"
-mining_shield_incr   = 0
-mining_time          = 0
-transform_result     = "no"
-transform_time       = 0
-warmer_wetter_result = "no"
-warmer_drier_result  = "no"
-cooler_wetter_result = "no"
-cooler_drier_result  = "no"
-native_to            = "Sea", "Air", "Missile", "Helicopter"
-flags                = "Oceanic", "NoCities", "NoPollution", "UnsafeCoast"
-property_ocean_depth = 48
-helptext             = _("\
-Oceans cover much of the world, and only sea units (Triremes and\
- other boats) can travel on them.\
-Ocean squares can never be polluted or subjected to fallout.\
-name                 = _("Briny Deep")
-graphic              = "floor"
-graphic_alt          = "coast"
-identifier           = ":"
-movement_cost        = 1
-defense_bonus        = 0
-food                 = 1
-shield               = 0
-trade                = 2
-;resources            = "none"
-road_trade_incr      = 0
-road_time            = 0
-irrigation_result    = "no"
-irrigation_food_incr = 0
-irrigation_time      = 0
-mining_result        = "no"
-mining_shield_incr   = 0
-mining_time          = 0
-transform_result     = "no"
-transform_time       = 0
-warmer_wetter_result = "no"
-warmer_drier_result  = "no"
-cooler_wetter_result = "no"
-cooler_drier_result  = "no"
-native_to            = "Sea", "Air", "Missile", "Helicopter"
-flags                = "Oceanic", "NoCities", "NoPollution", "UnsafeCoast"
-property_ocean_depth = 87
-helptext             = _("\
-Oceans cover much of the world, and only sea units (Triremes and\
- other boats) can travel on them.\
-Ocean squares can never be polluted or subjected to fallout.\
-name                 = _("?ocean:Abyss")
-graphic              = "trench"
-graphic_alt          = "coast"
-identifier           = ";"
-movement_cost        = 1
-defense_bonus        = 0
-food                 = 1
-shield               = 0
-trade                = 2
-;resources            = "none"
-road_trade_incr      = 0
-road_time            = 0
-irrigation_result    = "no"
-irrigation_food_incr = 0
-irrigation_time      = 0
-mining_result        = "no"
-mining_shield_incr   = 0
-mining_time          = 0
-transform_result     = "no"
-transform_time       = 0
-warmer_wetter_result = "no"
-warmer_drier_result  = "no"
-cooler_wetter_result = "no"
-cooler_drier_result  = "no"
-native_to            = "Sea", "Air", "Missile", "Helicopter"
-flags                = "Oceanic", "NoCities", "NoPollution", "UnsafeCoast"
-property_ocean_depth = 99
-helptext             = _("\
-Oceans cover much of the world, and only sea units (Triremes and\
- other boats) can travel on them.\
-Ocean squares can never be polluted or subjected to fallout.\
-name                 = _("Oceanic Ridge")
-graphic              = "ridge"
-graphic_alt          = "coast"
-identifier           = "^"
-movement_cost        = 1
-defense_bonus        = 0
-food                 = 1
-shield               = 0
-trade                = 2
-;resources            = "none"
-road_trade_incr      = 0
-road_time            = 0
-irrigation_result    = "no"
-irrigation_food_incr = 0
-irrigation_time      = 0
-mining_result        = "no"
-mining_shield_incr   = 0
-mining_time          = 0
-transform_result     = "no"
-transform_time       = 0
-warmer_wetter_result = "no"
-warmer_drier_result  = "no"
-cooler_wetter_result = "no"
-cooler_drier_result  = "no"
-native_to            = "Sea", "Air", "Missile", "Helicopter"
-flags                = "Oceanic", "NoCities", "NoPollution", "UnsafeCoast"
-property_ocean_depth = 36 ; same as coast, for now
-helptext             = _("\
-Oceans cover much of the world, and only sea units (Triremes and\
- other boats) can travel on them.\
-Ocean squares can never be polluted or subjected to fallout.\
-name                 = _("Oceanic Vent")
-graphic              = "vent"
-graphic_alt          = "coast"
-identifier           = "!"
-movement_cost        = 1
-defense_bonus        = 0
-food                 = 1
-shield               = 0
-trade                = 2
-;resources            = "none"
-road_trade_incr      = 0
-road_time            = 0
-irrigation_result    = "no"
-irrigation_food_incr = 0
-irrigation_time      = 0
-mining_result        = "no"
-mining_shield_incr   = 0
-mining_time          = 0
-transform_result     = "no"
-transform_time       = 0
-warmer_wetter_result = "no"
-warmer_drier_result  = "no"
-cooler_wetter_result = "no"
-cooler_drier_result  = "no"
-native_to            = "Sea", "Air", "Missile", "Helicopter"
-flags                = "Oceanic", "NoCities", "NoPollution", "UnsafeCoast"
-property_ocean_depth = 36 ; same as ridge, not generated
-helptext             = _("\
-Oceans cover much of the world, and only sea units (Triremes and\
- other boats) can travel on them.\
-Ocean squares can never be polluted or subjected to fallout.\
 name                 = _("Glacier")
 graphic              = "arctic"
diff -Nurd -X.diff_ignore freeciv/data/default/terrain.ruleset 
--- freeciv/data/default/terrain.ruleset        2008-06-30 12:02:12.000000000 
+++ freeciv/data/default/terrain.ruleset        2008-06-30 21:08:47.000000000 
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@
 ; helptext             = optional help text string; should escape all raw 
 ;                        newlines so that xgettext parsing works
 name                 = _("Lake")
 graphic              = "lake"
 graphic_alt          = "coast"
@@ -215,44 +215,6 @@
 Lake squares can never be polluted or subjected to fallout.\
-name                 = _("Sea")
-graphic              = "coast"
-graphic_alt          = "-"
-identifier           = "-"
-movement_cost        = 1
-defense_bonus        = 0
-food                 = 1
-shield               = 0
-trade                = 2
-resources            = "resource_fish"
-road_trade_incr      = 0
-road_time            = 0
-irrigation_result    = "no"
-irrigation_food_incr = 0
-irrigation_time      = 0
-mining_result        = "no"
-mining_shield_incr   = 0
-mining_time          = 0
-transform_result     = "terrain_swamp"
-transform_time       = 36
-rail_time            = 3
-clean_pollution_time = 3
-clean_fallout_time   = 3
-warmer_wetter_result = "no"
-warmer_drier_result  = "no"
-cooler_wetter_result = "no"
-cooler_drier_result  = "no"
-native_to            = "Sea", "Air", "Missile", "Helicopter", "Trireme"
-flags                = "Oceanic", "NoCities", "NoPollution"
-property_ocean_depth = 0
-helptext             = _("\
-Oceans cover much of the world, and only sea units (Triremes and\
- other boats) can travel on them.\
-Ocean squares can never be polluted or subjected to fallout.\
 name                 = _("Ocean")
 graphic              = "coast"
@@ -291,46 +253,8 @@
 Ocean squares can never be polluted or subjected to fallout.\
-name                 = _("?ocean:Shelf")
-graphic              = "shelf"
-graphic_alt          = "coast"
-identifier           = ","
-movement_cost        = 1
-defense_bonus        = 0
-food                 = 1
-shield               = 0
-trade                = 2
-resources            = "resource_fish", "resource_whales"
-road_trade_incr      = 0
-road_time            = 0
-irrigation_result    = "no"
-irrigation_food_incr = 0
-irrigation_time      = 0
-mining_result        = "no"
-mining_shield_incr   = 0
-mining_time          = 0
-transform_result     = "no"
-transform_time       = 0
-rail_time            = 3
-clean_pollution_time = 3
-clean_fallout_time   = 3
-warmer_wetter_result = "no"
-warmer_drier_result  = "no"
-cooler_wetter_result = "no"
-cooler_drier_result  = "no"
-native_to            = "Sea", "Air", "Missile", "Helicopter", "Trireme"
-flags                = "Oceanic", "NoCities", "NoPollution", "UnsafeCoast"
-property_ocean_depth = 48
-helptext             = _("\
-Oceans cover much of the world, and only sea units (Triremes and\
- other boats) can travel on them.\
-Ocean squares can never be polluted or subjected to fallout.\
-name                 = _("Briny Deep")
+name                 = _("Deep Ocean")
 graphic              = "floor"
 graphic_alt          = "coast"
 identifier           = ":"
@@ -367,120 +291,6 @@
 Ocean squares can never be polluted or subjected to fallout.\
-name                 = _("?ocean:Abyss")
-graphic              = "trench"
-graphic_alt          = "coast"
-identifier           = ";"
-movement_cost        = 1
-defense_bonus        = 0
-food                 = 1
-shield               = 0
-trade                = 2
-;resources            = "none"
-road_trade_incr      = 0
-road_time            = 0
-irrigation_result    = "no"
-irrigation_food_incr = 0
-irrigation_time      = 0
-mining_result        = "no"
-mining_shield_incr   = 0
-mining_time          = 0
-transform_result     = "no"
-transform_time       = 0
-rail_time            = 3
-clean_pollution_time = 3
-clean_fallout_time   = 3
-warmer_wetter_result = "no"
-warmer_drier_result  = "no"
-cooler_wetter_result = "no"
-cooler_drier_result  = "no"
-native_to            = "Sea", "Air", "Missile", "Helicopter"
-flags                = "Oceanic", "NoCities", "NoPollution", "UnsafeCoast"
-property_ocean_depth = 99
-helptext             = _("\
-Oceans cover much of the world, and only seaworthy units\
- can travel on them.\
-Ocean squares can never be polluted or subjected to fallout.\
-name                 = _("Oceanic Ridge")
-graphic              = "ridge"
-graphic_alt          = "coast"
-identifier           = "^"
-movement_cost        = 1
-defense_bonus        = 0
-food                 = 1
-shield               = 0
-trade                = 2
-;resources            = "none"
-road_trade_incr      = 0
-road_time            = 0
-irrigation_result    = "no"
-irrigation_food_incr = 0
-irrigation_time      = 0
-mining_result        = "no"
-mining_shield_incr   = 0
-mining_time          = 0
-transform_result     = "no"
-transform_time       = 0
-rail_time            = 3
-clean_pollution_time = 3
-clean_fallout_time   = 3
-warmer_wetter_result = "no"
-warmer_drier_result  = "no"
-cooler_wetter_result = "no"
-cooler_drier_result  = "no"
-native_to            = "Sea", "Air", "Missile", "Helicopter", "Trireme"
-flags                = "Oceanic", "NoCities", "NoPollution", "UnsafeCoast"
-property_ocean_depth = 36 ; same as coast, for now
-helptext             = _("\
-Oceans cover much of the world, and only sea units (Triremes and\
- other boats) can travel on them.\
-Ocean squares can never be polluted or subjected to fallout.\
-name                 = _("Oceanic Vent")
-graphic              = "vent"
-graphic_alt          = "coast"
-identifier           = "!"
-movement_cost        = 1
-defense_bonus        = 0
-food                 = 1
-shield               = 0
-trade                = 2
-;resources            = "none"
-road_trade_incr      = 0
-road_time            = 0
-irrigation_result    = "no"
-irrigation_food_incr = 0
-irrigation_time      = 0
-mining_result        = "no"
-mining_shield_incr   = 0
-mining_time          = 0
-transform_result     = "no"
-transform_time       = 0
-rail_time            = 3
-clean_pollution_time = 3
-clean_fallout_time   = 3
-warmer_wetter_result = "no"
-warmer_drier_result  = "no"
-cooler_wetter_result = "no"
-cooler_drier_result  = "no"
-native_to            = "Sea", "Air", "Missile", "Helicopter"
-flags                = "Oceanic", "NoCities", "NoPollution", "UnsafeCoast"
-property_ocean_depth = 36 ; same as ridge, not generated
-helptext             = _("\
-Oceans cover much of the world, and only seaworthy units\
- can travel on them.\
-Ocean squares can never be polluted or subjected to fallout.\
 name                 = _("Glacier")
 graphic              = "arctic"
diff -Nurd -X.diff_ignore freeciv/server/edithand.c freeciv/server/edithand.c
--- freeciv/server/edithand.c   2008-06-28 20:49:38.000000000 +0300
+++ freeciv/server/edithand.c   2008-06-30 20:41:28.000000000 +0300
@@ -888,20 +888,6 @@
-  Client editor requests us to regenerate water.
-void handle_edit_regenerate_water(struct connection *pc)
-  if (!can_conn_edit(pc)) {
-    notify_conn(pc->self, NULL, E_BAD_COMMAND,
-                _("You are not allowed to edit."));
-    return;
-  }
-  regenerate_water(update_tile_knowledge);
   Remove any city at the given location.
 void handle_edit_city_remove(struct connection *pc, int x, int y)
diff -Nurd -X.diff_ignore freeciv/server/generator/mapgen.c 
--- freeciv/server/generator/mapgen.c   2008-06-30 12:02:12.000000000 +0300
+++ freeciv/server/generator/mapgen.c   2008-06-30 20:58:57.000000000 +0300
@@ -1104,12 +1104,12 @@
 static void remove_tiny_islands(void)
-  struct terrain *ridge = find_terrain_by_identifier(TERRAIN_RIDGE_IDENTIFIER);
+  struct terrain *shallow = most_shallow_ocean();
-  assert(NULL != ridge);
+  assert(NULL != shallow);
   whole_map_iterate(ptile) {
     if (is_tiny_island(ptile)) {
-      tile_set_terrain(ptile, ridge);
+      tile_set_terrain(ptile, shallow);
       tile_clear_special(ptile, S_RIVER);
       tile_set_continent(ptile, 0);
@@ -1219,11 +1219,11 @@
-    /* Continent numbers must be assigned before regenerate_water() */
+    /* Continent numbers must be assigned before regenerate_lakes() */
     /* Make second pass on water. */
-    regenerate_water(NULL);
+    regenerate_lakes(NULL);
   } else {
diff -Nurd -X.diff_ignore freeciv/server/generator/utilities.c 
--- freeciv/server/generator/utilities.c        2008-06-30 12:02:12.000000000 
+++ freeciv/server/generator/utilities.c        2008-06-30 20:58:05.000000000 
@@ -314,19 +314,11 @@
   FIXME: Results differ from initially generated waters, but this is not
          used at all in normal map generation.
-void regenerate_water(tile_knowledge_cb knowledge_cb)
+void regenerate_lakes(tile_knowledge_cb knowledge_cb)
 #define MAX_ALT_TER_TYPES 5
   struct terrain *lakes[MAX_ALT_TER_TYPES];
-  struct terrain *sea = find_terrain_by_identifier(TERRAIN_SEA_IDENTIFIER);
-  struct terrain *coast = find_terrain_by_identifier(TERRAIN_OCEAN_IDENTIFIER);
-  struct terrain *shelf = find_terrain_by_identifier(TERRAIN_SHELF_IDENTIFIER);
-  struct terrain *floor = find_terrain_by_identifier(TERRAIN_FLOOR_IDENTIFIER);
-  int coast_depth = coast->property[MG_OCEAN_DEPTH];
-  int coast_count = 0;
-  int shelf_count = 0;
-  int floor_count = 0;
   int num_laketypes;
   num_laketypes = terrains_by_flag(TER_FRESHWATER, lakes, sizeof(lakes));
@@ -338,158 +330,29 @@
-  /* coasts, lakes, and seas */
-  whole_map_iterate(ptile) {
-    struct terrain *pterrain = tile_terrain(ptile);
-    Continent_id here = tile_continent(ptile);
-    if (T_UNKNOWN == pterrain) {
-      continue;
-    }
-    if (!terrain_has_flag(pterrain, TER_OCEANIC)) {
-      continue;
-    }
-    if (0 < lake_surrounders[-here]) {
-      if (terrain_control.lake_max_size >= ocean_sizes[-here]
-          && num_laketypes > 0) {
-        tile_change_terrain(ptile, lakes[myrand(num_laketypes)]);
-      } else {
-        tile_change_terrain(ptile, sea);
-      }
-      if (knowledge_cb) {
-        knowledge_cb(ptile);
-      }
-      continue;
-    }
-    /* leave any existing deep features in place */
-    if (pterrain->property[MG_OCEAN_DEPTH] > coast_depth) {
-      continue;
-    }
-    /* default to shelf */
-    tile_change_terrain(ptile, shelf);
-    if (knowledge_cb) {
-      knowledge_cb(ptile);
-    }
-    shelf_count++;
+  if (num_laketypes > 0) {
+    /* Lakes */
+    whole_map_iterate(ptile) {
+      struct terrain *pterrain = tile_terrain(ptile);
+      Continent_id here = tile_continent(ptile);
-    adjc_iterate(ptile, tile2) {
-      struct terrain *pterrain2 = tile_terrain(tile2);
-      if (T_UNKNOWN == pterrain2) {
+      if (T_UNKNOWN == pterrain) {
-      /* glacier not otherwise near land floats */
-      if (TERRAIN_GLACIER_IDENTIFIER == terrain_identifier(pterrain2)) {
+      if (!terrain_has_flag(pterrain, TER_OCEANIC)) {
-      /* any land makes coast */
-      if (!terrain_has_flag(pterrain2, TER_OCEANIC)) {
-        tile_change_terrain(ptile, coast);
+      if (0 < lake_surrounders[-here]) {
+        if (terrain_control.lake_max_size >= ocean_sizes[-here]) {
+          tile_change_terrain(ptile, lakes[myrand(num_laketypes)]);
+        }
         if (knowledge_cb) {
-        coast_count++;
-        shelf_count--;
-        break;
-      }
-    } adjc_iterate_end;
-  } whole_map_iterate_end;
-  /* continental shelf */
-  whole_map_iterate(ptile) {
-    struct terrain *pterrain = tile_terrain(ptile);
-    int shallow = 0;
-    if (T_UNKNOWN == pterrain) {
-      continue;
-    }
-    if (!terrain_has_flag(pterrain, TER_OCEANIC)) {
-      continue;
-    }
-    /* leave any other existing features in place */
-    if (pterrain != shelf) {
-      continue;
-    }
-    adjc_iterate(ptile, tile2) {
-      struct terrain *pterrain2 = tile_terrain(tile2);
-      if (T_UNKNOWN == pterrain2)
-      switch (terrain_identifier(pterrain2)) {
-        shallow++;
-        break;
-      default:
-        break;
-      };
-    } adjc_iterate_end;
-    if (DEFAULT_NEAR_COAST < shallow) {
-      /* smooth with neighbors */
-      tile_change_terrain(ptile, coast);
-      if (knowledge_cb) {
-        knowledge_cb(ptile);
-      }
-      coast_count++;
-      shelf_count--;
-    } else if (0 == shallow) {
-      tile_change_terrain(ptile, floor);
-      if (knowledge_cb) {
-        knowledge_cb(ptile);
-      floor_count++;
-      shelf_count--;
-    }
-  } whole_map_iterate_end;
-  /* deep ocean floor */
-  whole_map_iterate(ptile) {
-    struct terrain *pterrain = tile_terrain(ptile);
-    int shallow = 0;
-    if (T_UNKNOWN == pterrain) {
-      continue;
-    }
-    if (!terrain_has_flag(pterrain, TER_OCEANIC)) {
-      continue;
-    }
-    /* leave any other existing features in place */
-    if (pterrain != floor) {
-      continue;
-    }
-    adjc_iterate(ptile, tile2) {
-      struct terrain *pterrain2 = tile_terrain(tile2);
-      if (T_UNKNOWN == pterrain2)
-        continue;
-      switch (terrain_identifier(pterrain2)) {
-        shallow++;
-        break;
-      default:
-        break;
-      };
-    } adjc_iterate_end;
-    if (DEFAULT_NEAR_COAST < shallow) {
-      /* smooth with neighbors */
-      tile_change_terrain(ptile, shelf);
-      if (knowledge_cb) {
-        knowledge_cb(ptile);
-      }
-      floor_count--;
-      shelf_count++;
-    }
-  } whole_map_iterate_end;
-  freelog(LOG_VERBOSE, "Map has %d coast, %d shelf, and %d floor tiles", 
-          coast_count,
-          shelf_count,
-          floor_count);
+    } whole_map_iterate_end;
+  }
@@ -570,3 +433,29 @@
   freelog(LOG_VERBOSE, "Map has %d continents and %d oceans", 
          map.num_continents, map.num_oceans);
+  Return most shallow ocean terrain type. Freshwater lakes are not
+  considered, if there is any salt water terrain types.
+struct terrain *most_shallow_ocean(void)
+  bool oceans = FALSE;
+  struct terrain *shallow = NULL;
+  terrain_type_iterate(pterr) {
+    if (is_ocean(pterr)) {
+      if (!oceans && !terrain_has_flag(pterr, TER_FRESHWATER)) {
+        /* First ocean type */
+        oceans = TRUE;
+        shallow = pterr;
+      } else if (!shallow
+                 || pterr->property[MG_OCEAN_DEPTH] <
+                    shallow->property[MG_OCEAN_DEPTH]) {
+        shallow = pterr;
+      }
+    }
+  } terrain_type_iterate_end;
+  return shallow;
diff -Nurd -X.diff_ignore freeciv/server/generator/utilities.h 
--- freeciv/server/generator/utilities.h        2008-06-28 20:49:38.000000000 
+++ freeciv/server/generator/utilities.h        2008-06-30 20:58:24.000000000 
@@ -15,12 +15,14 @@
 typedef void (*tile_knowledge_cb)(struct tile *ptile);
-void regenerate_water(tile_knowledge_cb knowledge_cb);
+void regenerate_lakes(tile_knowledge_cb knowledge_cb);
 void assign_continent_numbers(void);
 int get_lake_surrounders(Continent_id cont);
 int get_continent_size(Continent_id id);
 int get_ocean_size(Continent_id id);
+struct terrain *most_shallow_ocean(void);
 /* Provide a block to convert from native to map coordinates.  For instance
  *   do_in_map_pos(mx, my, xn, yn) {
  *     tile_set_terrain(mx, my, T_OCEAN);
diff -Nurd -X.diff_ignore freeciv/version.in freeciv/version.in
--- freeciv/version.in  2008-06-30 12:02:12.000000000 +0300
+++ freeciv/version.in  2008-06-30 20:41:52.000000000 +0300
@@ -23,5 +23,5 @@
 #   - Avoid adding a new mandatory capability to the development branch for
 #     as long as possible.  We want to maintain network compatibility with
 #     the stable branch for as long as possible.
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